How To Forgive Release Resentment And Be In Peace

How to get rid of resentments and forgive?
“I will never forgive you!” Maybe you have never said these words, but when someone seriously harmed or offended you, it came to your mind. You feel how much it hurts to hold on. It is a little self-compassion to feel this way, but it is not in […]

By |February 21st, 2020|9 Comments

How Traveling the World Changes Your Life

Why traveling the world?
If you do not travel the world you see the world through a pinhole.
Most people in your hometown think like you. Many people in your region think like you. Culturally, just about EVERYBODY thinks like you, in your home nation.

This is the Pinhole Effect. Or the Pinhead Effect. People never leave their […]

By |August 7th, 2019|20 Comments