Why Is The Law Of Attraction Incomplete ? What is being left out?

Is the Law of Attraction Incomplete?
The law of attraction is incomplete without the other universal laws.

Many people have studied the law of attraction, which is broken down into various individual parts. There are some big truths to mentally focusing on what you want.

Some say the law of attraction is incomplete. What is being left out?

Instead […]

By |November 12th, 2016|75 Comments

Tandava Is Know As Adiyogi Shiva’s Dance Meditation

 Tandava mindful yoga meditation in motion
Meditation is not all about sitting for hours, Meditation has many different forms. Let’s look here at dance Meditation.
This is one of the oldest meditations, it is said that it was practiced 15000 Years ago by Shiva the first yogi the Adiyogi.

“The dance of Shiva symbolizes the dancing universe itself, […]

By |November 21st, 2015|16 Comments