Do You Blame Them or the Reflection?

Do you blame them ? Do you blame others?
Blaming is to give your power away if you take resposibility for your life you take the power back. Sigmund Freud said : “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”It is easier to blame and give […]

By |February 9th, 2022|7 Comments

These 6 Things Make You Grow And Improve Your Life

How can you improve your life and grow?
There are many programs available that can help you to improve your life and know yourself better.
Personal development is trendy today. Numerous books, blogs, and seminars give us tips on how we can improve ourselves. This advice is useful and can help us get on with our lives. […]

By |November 4th, 2019|18 Comments

How To Better Respond To Life And Grow Personally

Respond to life, do not react, take it in your hands and grow personally

Do you respond to life or do you react? Why do some people collapse under stress while others grow? Why do some people see the world realistically while others continuously look at it through dark gray glasses? Why do some reach their […]

By |April 27th, 2019|7 Comments

Things You Need To Know To Gain Confidence And Fulfill Your Desire

Here are some things you can do to gain confidence and fulfill your desire to create a successful life.

Self-confidence and Self – Improvement is very popular in our time. Many books and seminars are helpful for people to make decisions to improve their life.On the other hand, everywhere we hear slogans like mistakes, failure, becoming […]

By |February 11th, 2019|22 Comments

How To Be Successful By Taking Responsibility For Your Life

Take Responsibility for your life and  create your dream
It is always the others who are to blame! These stupid politicians, the economy, the parents, spouse…. The weather is terrible as well. Everything annoys you, and there is not enough money either.
Many people complain and moan about everything and point their fingers at others.

But this is […]

By |November 21st, 2017|20 Comments