Do You Want to Be Able to Understand Anybody?

Travel may make us able to choose the world we want to see.
Travel makes us not only able to understand others better, but it also opens our horizons and gives us courage. 

The way we choose to see the world creates the world we see. – Barry Neil Kaufman

See what our friend Ryan Biddulph tells us […]

By |September 21st, 2021|8 Comments

How Traveling the World Changes Your Life

Why traveling the world?
If you do not travel the world you see the world through a pinhole.
Most people in your hometown think like you. Many people in your region think like you. Culturally, just about EVERYBODY thinks like you, in your home nation.

This is the Pinhole Effect. Or the Pinhead Effect. People never leave their […]

By |August 7th, 2019|20 Comments