How Can You Stay Emotionally Balanced In This Crisis Time?

Are you overwhelmed by negativity these days?
To stay balanced in this crisis time, make yourself emotionally and mentally independent of opinions, influences, events, or situations. Do not let yourself influence by the outside world. It is an essential prerequisite for being happy and being able to follow your heart’s desires!

It’s not about looking away or […]

By |August 9th, 2021|11 Comments

How To Be Successful By Taking Responsibility For Your Life

Take Responsibility for your life and  create your dream
It is always the others who are to blame! These stupid politicians, the economy, the parents, spouse…. The weather is terrible as well. Everything annoys you, and there is not enough money either.
Many people complain and moan about everything and point their fingers at others.

But this is […]

By |November 21st, 2017|20 Comments