Who Gave You Your Belief System?

Are you aware of your Belief System?
Many people do not even realize that they have a belief system or paradigms. Usually, they are inherited or learned through repetition. The media often tricks people into beliefs and mind programs, and even lies often enough repeated can become beliefs. Repetition also can be used for good, to […]

By |January 30th, 2021|11 Comments

Tips To Improve Yourself By Changing Your Paradigms

Changing Paradigms – a multitude of Habits

Changing  Paradigms or Habits, oh those nasty habits. We developed habits from training, influences, remarks, and practice. We develop many habits in our life, some are good and others are bad.

Good habits we can keep, but if one needs to improve his life the dangerous habits have to change. […]

By |October 6th, 2016|22 Comments