Words Are Powerful – Are You Aware of The Power of Words?

Words are Powerful and can create your reality.
“Your words become your world.” Nadeem Kazi
Words are powerful: Through them, we can communicate with other people. We can tell them what we think and how we feel. Words allow us to better understand our fellow human beings and the world through literature, music, or a simple conversation. […]

By |June 19th, 2023|10 Comments

How can Communication Skills be Your Ticket to Success?

Do you have good communication skills?
Good communication skills are essential in life. If one can argue intelligently and eloquently convince bosses, colleagues, and, above all, customers of their competence. It is a question of the content and how you present yourself and behave towards people.
Whether bosses, colleagues, partners, or customers: those who communicate well convince […]

By |December 28th, 2021|4 Comments