The Magician Parastu – A Story Of A Dream

The dream to become a Magician 
Years ago, more than 20 +, we lived in Germany, my husband has been working a Company and a young Iranian man started working and learning over there.

He was ambitious my husband invited him and hard worker and my husband invited him for dinner.
He came and told us his story. […]

By |May 31st, 2015|14 Comments

Where Do Our Ideas Come From -The Universal Mind

What is the universal mind?
The universal mind contains the essence of all that ever was, is, and will be.
All that happened and will happen, all perceptible and imperceptible included are controlled by the universal mind.
All things exist in the universal mind as ideas. These ideas take shape and become the objects and events in our […]

By |May 17th, 2015|21 Comments