Intention Is A Powerful Force

Good intention helps – Dreamer Vashishtha Kapoor.
Searching about good intentions on the internet, most of it is like: “The way to hell is paved with good intention.”
or “Good intentions are not enough.” It may be true that good intention does not help if the receiver is not tuned
to the right frequency and does not see […]

By |April 9th, 2016|37 Comments

The Law Of Vibration The Base Of All Universal Laws

 The Base Of All Universal Laws
The law of Vibration is a primary law; it is the base of all-natural laws. There is a lot of talk about the Law of Attraction, but without knowing the Law of Vibration, it will not work for us in a positive way.
The Law Of Vibration The Base Of All […]

By |December 13th, 2015|13 Comments