How To Work Hard On Your Blogger Dream Doing It With Love

If you love what you do, then you can, doesn’t matter how hard is it.
This is the quote and the story of a young man with a Blogger Dream. His Name is Hemant Arya and has like many a Blogger Dream. He eager to work hard to make it come true. As we can read […]

By |January 18th, 2017|48 Comments

A Poem About Hard Work – Toil And Treasure

Toil and Treasure or in Farsi Ranj o Ganj
It is my favorite poem. A poem about hard work.

I learned it at the time when we lived in Iran, and my son started school at age 5. We put him earlier in school because we lived in a town far away from family, and the kids have […]

By |April 23rd, 2016|15 Comments

The ONE secret to enjoy hard work

What is the ONE secret to enjoy hard work?
Enjoy hard work? Here is a guest post from our friend Hema Unnoop,

I had a post about her before Hema’s Journey, a story of self-awareness.


Now after a break, she is back to tell us about the secret to enjoying hard work.

Hard work can be a joy, especially […]

By |April 16th, 2016|40 Comments