Where Do Our Ideas Come From -The Universal Mind

What is the universal mind?
Original May 2015  – Updated 19.Oct. 2024

The universal mind contains the essence of all that ever was, is, and will be.
All that happened and will happen, all perceptible and imperceptible included are controlled by the universal mind.
All things exist in the universal mind as ideas. These ideas take shape and become […]

By |October 19th, 2024|21 Comments

Why You Better Ditch These New Years Resolutions

Ditch the New Year’s Resolutions?

Instead of New Year’s resolutions, why not begin the year by looking at our accomplishments and counting our blessings? Gratitude is much more uplifting than feeling the pressure of a “to-do list.”

The new year is around the corner and a time full of enthusiasm. Everybody thinks about doing everything better […]

By |December 27th, 2022|24 Comments

Why Is Meeting With Like-Minded People So Powerful?

 A  The Power Of Meeting With Like-Minded People
Have you ever experienced how in a meeting with like-minded people things are easier for you? Are you more relaxed and in a pleasant and good mood? In these meetings, Ideas start to flow and everybody is opening up and being enthusiastic. You literally can feel the power […]

By |April 29th, 2017|68 Comments