The Dandelion Story – Creative Visualization And Imagination Skills?

How my Grandkids learned creative visualization and trained their imagination.
We created the Dandelion Story.
When my grandkids were little, we always went for a walk in summer in the meadow and around the pond. They liked the flowers and butterflies and noticed the bees and the frog.

Creative visualization and imagination are essential skills.
In winter, I often […]

By |June 11th, 2022|14 Comments

How To Use Your Creative Mental Faculties – Magic in your Mind

How to use your creative mental faculties and take control over your life
You have Magic in your Mind

What are creative mental faculties? Many people do not know about the gift we have to use for our life.
Your creative mental faculties are mental tools you can use to improve your life and even help to change […]

By |September 25th, 2016|42 Comments

The Art Of Visualization And Meditation – What Is The Benefit?

What is the art of Visualization and Meditation?
How can you use Visualization for meditation? There are many types of meditation, and many people realize the importance of meditation in their lives. Even medical practitioners now accept meditation as a way to deal with health issues like depression.

Meditation is considered an artwork in itself. It takes a bit of […]

By |October 30th, 2015|14 Comments

Do You Have A Dream? Did You Ever Think About Your Dream?

Do you Dare to Dream?
Many people forgot how to dream because it was forbidden.

Or did you even think of dreaming?

Children are excellent at dreaming and imagination.

But when we fantasized as a child, often we have been told :

Do your work! Don’t dream! Get ready!

Don’t tell stories! This is not possible, what do you think? Are you […]

By |January 1st, 2014|12 Comments