Our Successful Dreamer Poet is Back – Read About Him Here

An Interview and news from our Dreamer and Poet
It was in 2015 that I introduced my readers to the Dreamer Poet Satyananda Sarangi. I am happy to tell you that in between, he made progress in his profession and poetry. 

If you are new to my blog, you can read here about him:  Today’s Dreamers Are Tomorrow’s […]

By |April 3rd, 2023|6 Comments

Who is Pravakar Singh The 13 Years Old Ambitious Blogger?

Interview and story of Pravakar Singh
A week ago, I got a message with the request for an interview. It was Pravakar asking me. I told him that I am not into SEO and technics. He asked me if I have Anil Agrawal’s new book, and he said to me that he is 13 years old […]

By |November 8th, 2020|26 Comments

How To Get Motivated To Be A Successful Facebook Ads Hacker

From drop-out to a successful creative Facebook Ads Hacker
Hier is an interview with my successful young friend Rahul Sihmar. I wanted him to tell his story to help you to get motivated. Success can happen in a short time if one is dedicated, works hard, and follows his heart.
Rahul, about one year ago I saw your […]

By |September 18th, 2017|52 Comments