The Fascinating Power Of Blogging And Awesome Friends

The word “ The Power of Blogging” was created by my amazing friend  Sathish Arumugam.
He came up with the phrase power of blogging when we met in Coimbatore. Blogging is powerful in many ways not only for business and it is possible to work wherever there is an internet connection.
It is really fascinating how the […]

By |May 25th, 2018|22 Comments

Why Is Meeting With Like-Minded People So Powerful?

 A  The Power Of Meeting With Like-Minded People
Have you ever experienced how in a meeting with like-minded people things are easier for you? Are you more relaxed and in a pleasant and good mood? In these meetings, Ideas start to flow and everybody is opening up and being enthusiastic. You literally can feel the power […]

By |April 29th, 2017|68 Comments

Intention Is A Powerful Force

Good intention helps – Dreamer Vashishtha Kapoor.
Searching about good intentions on the internet, most of it is like: “The way to hell is paved with good intention.”
or “Good intentions are not enough.” It may be true that good intention does not help if the receiver is not tuned
to the right frequency and does not see […]

By |April 9th, 2016|37 Comments