A Story About my Little Friend Ana a Victim of Vaccination

 Vaccination – yes or no?
Hardly any other health topic is discussed as controversially as vaccination. An overpowering alliance of orthodox doctors, the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory and supervisory authorities, politicians, and journalists pretend that skeptics urgently need “scientific clarification”, are stupid and irresponsible. Between the two fronts, unsettled parents grapple with the question of conscience as […]

By |August 12th, 2021|15 Comments

Basic Diet – Part 2 – Why You Should Eat A Alkaline Diet

thChronic hyperacidity  – how can basic diet help.

Alkaline diet or pizza?
Every meal that you eat is broken down in our body. Usable is used Useless knocked out. This is called metabolism. Suppose you eat a pepperoni pizza – a very good example of a highly acid-forming meal.

The pizza consists mainly of flour, cheese, sausage, and tomato […]

By |April 28th, 2014|15 Comments