What will we Change?

It is our choice what we let “The New Normal” be. What do you let influence you to shape your new regular in life? In between, I think we all realized that the old normal did not let us evolve as a peaceful society in one-ness. We consciously need to decide which concept we follow.

This is another guest post of our friend Ryan Biddulph. He shares his thoughts on this subject, which all of us need to think.about. I agree with his views and also believe we can create a beautiful, peaceful world. I think it needs a flexible body and mind and detachment of the old ways of life. Let’s create a magnificent new normal.

Thank you, Ryan

What Is The New Normal?

Human beings are realizing that human beings possess free will. Humans can choose to think what humans choose to think. This is the new normal.

People seem to be questioning the major media outlets. Once trusted, venerable news sources are being vetted, scrutinized, and tested like never before. This is the new normal.

People are running government reports through their own critical power of thought. Rock-solid government credibility is a thing of the past as people seem to realize that quite a chasm exists between intelligence and emotional intelligence.  This is the new normal.

The New Normal

Thinkers emerge and become leaders. This is the new normal.  People think, ponder, deliberate, and ruminate more than ever before now. The new normal involves being open-minded as the collective consciousness shifts to include different points of view from different sources.

Intuitive nudges, the 6th sense, and gut pull or hunches will be powerful anchors or strong guides as the new normal evolves.

I get much of my news through select YouTube videos from trusted, credible, emotionally intelligent sources because intuitive, gut nudges edge me deeper in that direction. Major media reports through the prism of fear, manipulation, and subjugation. I bet you read the headline for this post – “What Is the New Normal?” – and instantly assumed I would paint a bleak, depressing picture of the future based on the dominant story of the current major media news cycle, right? That is called “subjugation”.


Per Oxford Languages, the definition for subjugation: the action of bringing someone or something under domination or control.

Even if do not follow traditional major media like myself, the news media and its tendrils bombard Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook with manipulative phrases like, “the new normal” to scare you, to manipulate you, and to act to bring you – and humanity – under domination or control.

I bet you ”the new normal” phrase scared you, depressed you, annoyed you, frustrated you, or flat out pissed you off. Now you are learning how the major media manipulates you by turning your fears against you to get you to do what the news media and politicians want you to do. But you and I are figuring out the new normal is not what a few folks want you to do based on people manipulating your fears. People are seeing that the new normal involves turning to love, caring, compassionate people, and to trust human beings who empower you, who lift you up, and who remind you of your divine heritage.

new normal

The new normal will involve a call to self-healing by taking care of your mind and body through diligent daily habits. It will also include a full commitment to practicing emotional hygiene on a global scale never seen.

The new normal is non-resistance. Peace reigns. Agreeing with what is to become something more will become the new normal for humanity to evolve out of its delusory fears into its Reality of love, harmony, and One-ness.

The new normal will be abundance, openness, and full unity. Scarcity will die. Prejudice dissolves. Racism will vanish. Separation and division will cease to exist.

The new normal is self-care mixed with altruism, personal development mixed with service, and acquisition of worldly wealth mixed with generosity.

We Decide

You and I decide on the new normal. Me, you, Erika, her readers, my readers, and anybody who comes across this post, reads these words and processes this concept of the new normal literally molds the new normal based on an intimately personal decision.

We choose.


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25 Tips to Develop Peace in Your Life

About the Author

Do You Seek Comfort or Growth

Ryan Biddulph inspires with his blog, courses, and eBooks at Blogging From Paradise.

See also >We Live In A Perfect Universe

How Do You Change the World for Good

Here is how to create your own new normal:

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