What is the universal mind?
Original May 2015 – Updated 19.Oct. 2024
The universal mind contains the essence of all that ever was, is, and will be.
All that happened and will happen, all perceptible and imperceptible included are controlled by the universal mind.
All things exist in the universal mind as ideas. These ideas take shape and become the objects and events in our concrete and visual world.
Thinking calls out of the universe all things into being. A correct understanding of the fact that the mind, in its formless state, can be enabled individually to be used is the key to actual and successful mental work. Just knowing that we are surrounded by a creative spirit is not enough; to bring it in a form, it needs to be inspired by our conscious mind.
The spirit that a human being uses to form ideas is the universal mind or God’s own spirit.
“Everything seen started with a thought before it was ever a thing”- Mary Morrissey.
The thinking stuff – Karana Chitta
Wallace D Wattles talks about the thinking stuff:
“There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe.
A thought, in this substance, Produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.
Man can form things in his thought, and, by impressing his thought upon formless substance,
can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.”
See > Formless Thinking Stuff.
“Produce the thought that, in turn, produces the result you want”-Mary Morrissey
The German physicist Max Planck said:
“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force…
We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”
Nikola Tesla :
“My brain is only a receiver; in the Universe, there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration.
I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”
Rupert Sheldrake calls it the morphic field. He did interesting studies with a Dog. Not only humans have access to the universal mind.
In the Upanishads, it is called Karana Chitta (superconscious mind).
The mind of light, the all-knowing intelligence of the soul. It is the mind stuff.
It is more than 35 years ago when I studied the universal mind and spiritual philosophy, physics, religion, mind, and body.
I read a lot of books like the “Tao of Physics “ by Fritjof Capra, Sri Aurobindo, Jung, Einstein, Sheldrake, and Heisenberg….
I wanted to know where Ideas come from and how the universe works.
The place I loved most was the library; I read a lot. At that time, a computer was not like today in every household.
The experiment
I did some experiments as well, and together with my friend, who was working with me. I had a store with organic fabric and wool, and we made dresses for fashion shows and people who could afford them .as you can imagine, we had to do a lot of vacuums and did not like to buy these expensive paper bags. We meditated over a solution, and the idea came soon, we were going to make a fabric bag using the paper bag as a pattern.
“Solution comes as we connect with a higher level of thinking and knowing”Mary Morrissey.
We did, and it was amazing; we could empty it and find even all our lost buttons again. Somebody saw it and suggested getting a patent and selling it. We did not have the time, connections, and money for this, but I said if this theory, where do ideas come from is truly working, we will soon see the promotion of fabric bags because not only one has these ideas, but the universal mind will also give others the same Idea, and they may sell them.
It was not a very long time later that we saw advertisements for the first vacuum, including a fabric vacuum bag, in magazines, newspapers, and TV.
Another story
There are many stories I could tell; one is about intuition.
I went for a walk in the forest every day with my mother, one day it looked like it wanted to rain. My Mother wanted to take the umbrella, and I said to leave it in the car; the rain would start when we came back, and it was like this: we came back, and it started to rain; she wondered how I could know this?
It was the universal mind; she often made jokes about it and said today is your wishing day again.
The universal mind
The universal mind is present all the time, everywhere, and we have access to this
infinite intelligence.
Everything. for example, chairs and tables, our clothes, all was first a thought, an idea before it became a real thing. Like Edison’s light bulb or the telephone, and it is usually not only one inventing the phone we know Alexander Graham Bell created but at the same time, there was a German working on it as well, maybe others too because we all have access to this “Land of Solutions,” as Edison called it.
The way this works, we can compare it to a computer, with our conscious mind (desktop) being what we work with and have our attention on it, our subconscious mind ( hard drive) being the files, stored and already programmed content, we can assess the superconscious mind (internet) infinite knowledge people, resources, more than we can imagine.
We create our whole life with the help of God’s own spirit, the universal mind, and intuition, but most by default. The universe in the macro cosmos, and Humans in the microcosmos.
“Pause for a moment and make contact with your real self… access the place of deep peace and wisdom whenever you choose”-Mary Morrissey.
See this interesting TED- Talk WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM, by Steven Johnson.
Where do ideas come from?
Did you have experiences like this in my stories?
Update 19.10 2014 Watch new insights about where ideas come from
See Creative Visualization And Imagination Skills?-The Dandelion Story
See also > Are You Aware Of Your Intuitive Mind And Creativity?
I hope you like my stories; please leave me a comment.
Thank you
I am sure the mind is capable of so much more… just like you talk about here Erica. It is fascinating to think that everything stems from a thought. Our brains are good at thinking of new things based on developing current items or projects, and like your amazing example with the bags above, the thoughts can come to more than one person… It just needs someone to keep thinking the thought and the ideas will grow.
We truly live in an amazing world.
I love this quote …“Pause for a moment and make contact with your real self… access the place of deep peace and wisdom whenever you choose”-Mary Morrissey
Jacs Henderson recently posted…Do You Leave Your Footprint Wherever You Roam And Generate Leads Behind You?!
Hi Jacs,
yes it is fascinating ,now that the world is more connected and we hear from far away,
we know many are working on the same or similar things and invent things without knowing each other. In the past we did not know about ,
but it happened ,now we have internet or movies. Or did you hear the story of the monkey’s:
On a island scientists found one monkey washing his food before eating and soon the others followed
and later they found on a remote island other monkeys started to do the same .
Amazing things happen 🙂
Thank you ,Jacs
Hello Erika, What a thought provoking post, One thought! One Idea! Wow there is just so much to think about Right?
I loved your stories, Thanks for sharing… Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted…Success Is Knowing Your Purpose In Life- Part 1
Hi Chery ,
Happy you like it ,yes, this is how we get our ideas ,
it is good to think about and try it ?
I am sure if you think you may find similar experiences.
Thank you
This is an amazing concept. Totally love it.
Thank you for sharing it with the world. We’re the Universe. 🙂
Anant Thakur recently posted…100 Day Challenge Update
Hi Anant,
Happy you love it.
We are the universe or to say it with water we like “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”
The actual quote is,
“Let the drop of water that is you become a hundred mighty seas.
But do not think that the drop alone becomes the Ocean— the Ocean, too, becomes the drop!
from Rumi’s “A Garden Beyond Paradise.”
Thanks for your comment, despite you are busy and not well
I appreciate it
Wow!! Something to really ponder, very fascinating to think about!! Thanks for sharing.
Miriam Slozberg recently posted…An Overview of Authority Marketing with Jeff Beale
hi Miriam,
You are welcome ,I am happy you find it fascinating
and it is good to think about. If we know about this
and are aware we can experience it every day.
Thank you
Hi Erika, Great post.
I love the whole concept
of thinking and how it can
elevate and move us into
a direction of success
and peace. Thanks for
elaborating on it.
BG Jenkins recently posted…Repurposed, Crafted or Laughed At?
Hi Brenda,
I am happy you liked the post and it is sure that if we learn
listen to our inner voice ,intuition or the universal mind ,
it really works and it is not philosophy or a theory it is
physic. The coaching system from Mary Morrissey , Bob Proctor and others
is based on this laws.We experience this things as well,we are
only not always aware of it .
Thank you
Hey Erika, thank you for sharing your post about the unversal mind. I’m a big believer in this kind of topic, intuition, sixth sense or however you may call it. Sometimes it’s easy to forget in the hectic daily life though.
Andrea Ansari recently posted…Don’t allow anyone to talk you out of your dreams! – YCDIS #18
I see you believe it ,I think you have the connection and get it right.
You are right it is easy to forget in our hectic time ,but if we are
aware of it ,we can experience it . Meditation or walking in the nature
helps in stressful times.
Thank you ,keep your awesomeness 🙂
Hi Erika
I’m fascinated by this kind of topic, and the power of the mind in general.
I was once working on a job for a client, finished it and went to bed pleased with a job well done. Then suddenly, about 3am, I sat bolt upright in bed and just KNEW there was a mistake in it, and where exactly the mistake was! Luckily it was before the days of computerized delivery so I was able to open it up next day, find the mistake JUST where I’d visualized it, correct it and re-send.
Also a good lesson in sleeping on something overnight before hitting the publish button, which I try to do now.
Enjoy the rest of your week, Joy
Joy Healey recently posted…Thanks To My Comment Authors In June 2015
Hi Joy ,
this is a great story and shows that it is right and yes ,this is true ,taking the time
and sleeping a night over something , I do often ,specially if something does not feel right.
Our mind is a very powerful and you are right it is fascinating to know we are connected
to a infinite source .
Thank you for your story
Erika 🙂
I call it intuition and the older I get the more it happens. When I forgave my deceased husband for treating me badly while he was alive, I started to really get this intuition. I welcome it….it has helpdd me. Wonderful post.
Intuition ,we all have it ,we only do often not listen to it .
I realized ,when I am in the nature and calm ,I get it very clear.
Happy you can get the inner voice ,listen to it 🙂
Thank you
Hi Erika,
Really enjoyed this post! It is so important to listen to that inner voice because there you will find the inner peace and calmness we all strive for 🙂
Thanks for sharing your awesome value!
Joan Harrington recently posted…Are You Talking to the Right People?
Hi Joan ,
yes ,if we are calm we can hear the inner voice better.
It is always together with a good feeling .
Thank you
Hi, Thanks for sharing a very interesting and informative post. Our mind can wonders that re really unimaginable. Great Read!
sherill recently posted…The #1 Reason to Have a Mentor
Hi Sherill,
yes ,we are what we think and we can connect to the universal mind .
It needs being calm and listen to our intuition .
If we learn to listen ,ideas will come and help us through life.
Thanks for your comment
[…] Meeting two or more like – minded people together creates something new, greater because one suddenly accesses the experiences and the knowledge of several people. This allows a different viewpoint to be learned, to identify blind spots and to work on ideas in a tremendously efficient way. Read my post Where do Ideas come from – The Universal Mind […]
Hi Erika,
Please delete my prior comment my friend 😉
Wallace Wattles helped put me on my current blogging path. This is why seeing your mention of The Science of Getting Rich tickles my fancy. Life is inside-out not outside-in. All flows from one mind even though we appear to be different bodies, separate, thinking differently. No way. Quantum Physics 101: only one quantum field of thought exists.
Excellent job as always.
Ryan Biddulph recently posted…What Blogging Platform Should I Use?
Hi Ryan,
Sorry for the late reply. I am in a place with weak internet. 🙂
You are right, there is only one quantum field and everything is connected. Sad is that many seem not to understand this.
Thank you for your comment, Ryan 🙂