This is the story of the journey to self-awareness of my young friend Hema Unnoop.
I wanted to ask Hema for a guest post; her story is a good example of the posts I
did write about self-awareness and being perfect. She could not do it this time and
did give me permission to use her story.
Hema grew up on the beautiful island of Mauritius. Like many young people, she thought
she only is good enough if she pleases everybody.
“Hema, I think this is not good for you.”
Or: “Hema, you have to go there.”
“Hema, you can’t do this without my permission.”
That’s how I spent most of my first 25 years. Doing what others wanted me to do.
I never dared break the rules that were set for me for fear of being caught and punished.
I was extremely sensitive and submissive.
When I look back, I know I was leading an average life. I did what was expected of me. I never allowed myself to dream big. Nobody had ever humiliated or put me down as I did to myself.
I used to look at myself in the mirror and go, “Look at yourself. Do you think you’ll ever be able to do what you want? Just settle with what you have and what you have become”.
I had sealed my fate. 
Does this sound familiar? This is how many grew up and do not dare to break out.
There are traditional rules, rules which are not true anymore. Many are not aware
of the possibility to change this, caught in negativity, limiting beliefs, and feeling
inferior to others.
We can not blame our parents, teachers, or society because they did not know better. It is on us to change it. Hema is lucky to have a supporting husband, and they moved to Australia. The beginning there was not easy, and Hema had a hard time. Until a miracle happened to her.
We live in a perfect universe solutions come to us even through the crack of least resistance. Like in my story of The Broken Pot, seemingly unpleasant and imperfect turns out to be perfect. We only have to realize it and use it. In Hema’s case, it came through a man she had never seen before, and she never saw him again.
Hema found her true self, and today she is a confident young woman.
It is a pleasure to read her posts and see her videos.
She found her passion and is able to inspire and help others.
She is doing beautiful work with blogging and her inspiring videos on YouTube.
Hema found her ROAR 🙂 Is life going to be without challenges after this?
Some asked on my post Self Awareness – A Storie.
No, we always will have new challenges, this is how we grow, but we know if we are positive and happy
good things will come to us.
Hema did take a break from blogging; she is expecting her first Baby.
This is Hema’s message:
“My year started off with the most wonderful news….my husband and I are expecting our first child.”
I concentrate on myself at the moment.”
This is the best she can do for herself.
Join me in wishing her all the best for her future.
I hope to have her here soon for a guest post.
This is Hema’s story of finding her true self.
Do you like Hema’s story? Does it inspire you?
Please leave a comment.
Thank you
And here is her guest post> The ONE secret to enjoy hard work.
Hi Erika,
Oh this is certainly familiar … I think it’s a process of developed wisdom over one’s life. We are so influenced by family. friends, peers, that we don’t shake it off until we realize our true happiness comes from within … everyone has their own path of discovery … nice post 🙂 thank you
Lesly Federici recently posted…Reaching Out Is NumberOne
It is true,Lesly
Everyone has their own path and it is a process.
Good to be able to find this wisdom and really
discover true self. I am happy you liked the post.
Thank you
Hi, Erik
Her grow up situation was a common in oriental culture. We absolutely respected the parents orders.
It is process of maturity to out grow that pattern.
I love her posts which always including many positive life directions.
– Stella Chiu
Stella Chiu recently posted…10 Keys to the Success of your 2016 New Year Resolution
Hi Stella,
not only in the oriental culture young people
have to discover their true self. In the western
culture, it may be even worse, because people are
influenced by media and family is not like in the
past anymore. Look at the many divorced Parents.
I think this does not make it easier.
I like Hema’s posts very much, she is able to inspire others.
Thank you for the comment
Can I certainly relate to it but the good thing is that now I have found my true passion and I am doing what I love to do and it is no longer a work or a job. I still get tired after working whole day and fall asleep as soon as my back hit on the bed but still it feels good becuase I know that all the efforts I am putting is towards the fulfillment of my dream. I know and understand that there is a long way to go but I believe I will be able to reach my goal as long as I am not stopping
Bharat Sharma recently posted…14 Reasons To Eat Cucumber For Health
Hi Bharat,
It is very good to have a dream and a goal in life.
Let not anybody bring you out of this dream. If you really
love what you do and do the work even it is hard sometimes,
you will reach your goal.
“If we all perform our duties meticulously then we are surely on the path of prosperity.”
(Rig Veda)
Keep going,all the best
Hi Erika Mam
I feel that everyone of us can relate to this. We all are so influenced by people around us and their expectations that we never realize what we want in life. We fail to understand our own feelings and passions and move according to the influence of others.
Thanks for this wonderful post!
Sonal Talwar recently posted…9 Healthy Eating Tips from Around the World
Hi Sonal,
Yes, in the eastern world it is often the traditional and family
rules and in the west most right the opposite, the lack of support
of a family because there is often everyone busy with his own difficulties
and there are many separated families. The feeling of not good enough holds
back. I think Hema is doing very good with her blog and video’s she is able
to inspire others.
Thank you for your visit and comment
Hi Erika,
Great story. I really hate to read about women or anyone for that matter being controlled by “ancient” rules and customs. Forgive me if I have the wrong impression. I do have great admiration for those who dare to break free and live their lives the way they want to.
Thanks for sharing Hema’s story.
Hi Monna,
You are right, but unfortunately, we are all ruled in one way or another.
We have to get aware of it to be free. I love Hema’s story and hope she will continue her way.
Thank you
[…] we looked at Hema’s Journey , she found her […]
Hi Erika,
Life is too short to live for others. You have got to follow your passion and do what you do best.
Thank you for sharing.
Hi Michael ,
you are right and Hema is doing very good.
It is a pleasure to see her thrive .
Thank you for your comment
Hi Erika, thanks for sharing this story. I think we have all been a young person trying to live up to the expectations of our parents, but some are better at breaking free and living for themselves than others. Also some parents do respond differently to their children. It’s great to think we should not have expectations of each other but the reality is nearly all of us do it in some way.
Enjoy the journey!
Mandy Allen recently posted…What Difference Will Your Life Make?
Hi Mandy,
You are right we all have expectations and often our life is
ruled by expectations of others. Many do not get to really
live their life the way they want or even get to think about.
This is a life full of disappointments.Good to get aware of
this ,like Hema could do and break free and find her true self.
“Peace begins When expectation ends.”
– Sri Chinmoy
“To expect nothing is to gain everything.”
But it can be learned not to expect. We do it unconsciously
but try to avoid it when you get aware of it and see what happen.
It is a good practice. Think of unconditional love, for example,
is this not love without expectation ?
Thank you for your comment.
[…] I had a post about her before Hema’s Journey a story of self-awareness. […]
[…] I had a post about her before Hema’s Journey a story of self-awareness. […]