How to live a life with awareness
To live life with awareness, we need to know a bit about
In our world filled with distractions and constant busyness, living a life with awareness has become a rarity.
In What Kind Of Universe Do We Live?
We live in the universe, which is based on universal or natural laws and order.
If we use the word “cosmos” instead of the word universe, it is even more explicit:
The Greek word cosmos means “order”!
In our vast and mysterious universe, we are constantly surrounded by the beauty of the cosmos, the wonders of the galaxies. But have you ever stopped to ponder the underlying laws and order that govern our universe? Everything in the universe follows universal laws that keep everything in balance and order.
“Man cannot change a single law of nature but can put himself into such relations to natural laws that he can profit by them.” –Edwin Grant Conklin.
What is universal natural law?
Universal laws are the fundamental principles that govern the behavior and interactions of all objects in the universe. Laws according to which the universe/cosmos works are laws of consciousness that influence us mentally and emotionally. Natural law holds that there are universal moral standards inherent in humanity at all times, and these standards should form the basis of a just society. Unfortunately, most of these laws are not taught in school and are even hidden and forgotten.
In a chaotic and unpredictable world, universal laws provide a sense of structure and order.
The universal laws of order are:
– Predictable,
– Repeatable and
– Understandable laws.
What does he mean?
These laws ensure everything functions harmoniously. Whether it’s the changing of the seasons, the orbit of the planets, or the cycles of life and death, there is an undeniable rhythm and order in the universe. Just as the sun rises every morning and sets every evening, there is a predictability to the universe. We are also subject to the laws that govern it. Whether we realize it or not, universal laws influence every aspect of our lives, from how we interact with others to our daily choices.
The universal laws say, among other things, that with your thoughts – and the words and actions that follow them – you create a positive or negative world around you.
Buddha said: “Where you put your attention, there goes your life energy.”
For example, the law of cause and effect, known as karma, states that every action has a consequence. Everything that we focus our attention and emotional energy will show up at some point in our lives. Good and bad alike. This law emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for our actions.
The universe and the subconscious mind do not distinguish between good and bad. Once we give something our attention, our energy flows in this direction; it is like we have sent an order to the cosmic delivery service.
Therefore, we must focus and send energy to the things we wish. Never do something we do not want, like negativity, anxiety, worry, or lack.
Have Gratitude
The power of Gratitude in attracting positive outcomes. Start each day with a gratitude practice to raise your vibration.
Gratitude is so important; it is a powerful and positive mental energy.
It is an energy that creates and attracts good.
Gratitude connects us to the source.
Focusing on gratitude for what we want sends intense energy to our desire and keeps doubt and fear away.
For this reason, we should imagine our desire has already been realized and be grateful before it manifests.
This way, we lead powerful energy to our desire.
With gratitude!
Remember :
“Grateful people are as fertile fields; they give the received back tenfold. ”- August von Kotzebue
Gratitude is essential, but is this generally known?
Most people do not know about the relationship between desire and gratitude; they violate a spiritual law and can not get what they desire. The universal laws are fair and neutral.
If we focus our attention on a problem, it grows; the same happens with joy.
We live in an Abundant Universe.
Scarcity thinking is widespread. We are focused on the fact that everything is tight and limited.
Little room for gratitude
Instead, people focus on competition and rivalry, which produces anxiety, stress, guilt, and headaches. But in nature, there is an abundance; we live in abundance, but we have to see it. Therefore, we should focus on these resources of wealth, not on apparent shortage or deficiency. We can create our own success and do not need to take anything from others.
Therefore, the first step towards gratitude is to recognize the universe’s abundance.
5000 years ago, it was written in the Upanishads:
“From Abundance, we scooped abundance, and still abundance remained.”
The next step is none- resistance. It is accepting what is without wanting to force something.
Many people go through life and think about how things “should” be. It is about the behavior of others or specific circumstances against which we go.
“He should not have done this .”
“You could have called me.”
“We should have got the job.”
We make ourselves victims of circumstances.
Does this lead us to success? Certainly not.
No space for gratitude
Therefore, none- non-resistance is essential. It means accepting the given reality just how it is.
If it rains, we should accept it and take an umbrella.
Instead of going against reality, it is much better to focus on universal laws.
The law of Polarity
In this case, the law of Polarity. This law states that everything has two equivalent but opposing sides.
Every situation that looks bad has a good side as well.
We have to look for the positive side.
Learn to look at the positive side, and download my free e-book with Quotes and Affirmations.
“There is something good in all seeming failures.
You are not to see that now. Time will reveal it. Be patient.”
Swami Sivananda
Understanding this law can change the philosophy of life.
Look for the positive aspects!
We can see things as good or bad; It is our choice.
We can look for the good in the bad, and the good thing is perhaps not apparent at first when we’re in the middle of circumstances – but it’s there!
Everything is a gift in our lives; only some of them we can not see immediately.
We have to find this gift first by looking at the positive side of a situation.
If you live a life with awareness, you will see all this and be thankful for that!
To be continued part 2
What do you think about these laws?
Are you aware of the universal laws?
Do you live life with awareness?
We Are What We Think – Abundance
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Thank you
Hi Erika,
What a beautiful way of living. Yes, I do believe in these universal laws, not only from a conceptional point of view but also a scientific one. I, myself live a life of gratitude. I think I’ve always did from childhood. All along the day, even something as simple as turning on the water faucet, I am grateful because many people on the planet do not have running water. My mind is in a constant state of gratefulness and I guess this is why I’m pretty happy all the time.
I do believe that it all comes down to energy of the mind connected with the universe. Thinking of things in the here and now as opposed to the “someday” works fine, because it attracts it. Keeping that child like wonder of the world is another way of looking at all the beauty around us and keeping our thoughts positive.
I do think that “should” needs to be taken out of our language and our thoughts. The worse thing people do to them selves is should on themselves. It keeps one stagnant and in a state of depression and/or anxiety with no room to grow.
Donna Merrill recently posted…3 Ways To Pump Up Your Blog
Hi Donna,
you are totally right, some of the laws are scientific approved
and physic like the gravity, for example,only we have not been taught.
We are connected with the universe and there are really proven systems
how to use this energy,this is what I am about to learn.
We all have experience with it and if we are aware
we can see it and feel it use it.
We can ask and get answers. I hear amazing stories and realize I have my own.
I think we all have if we think and pay attention.
But many lost the connection and think it is not true.
Gratitude and right giving and receiving is very important
and keeping our inner child in our mind 🙂
It is true what you write about the should.
Thank you for your great comment 🙂
Thanks Erika for sharing info about such an important topic or awareness and gratitude. I’m grateful!
Andrea Ansari recently posted…Don’t ask for their Money, ask for THIS… [YCDIS #5]
You are welcome,Andrea
Being grateful is good and important
Thank you
Erika, what a great post, Gratitude is important in the way we lead our lives. Thanks for the inspiration.
Andy Lockhart recently posted…How to Get What You Want in Life
Hi Andy ,
You are welcome,I am happy and grateful you liked my post.
Thank you for the comment
Hi Ericka, I believe that we should look for the positive in all things amd be grateful. That makes a world of difference. Thanks.
BG Jenkins recently posted…Get Focused
Hi Brenda ,
yes, everything seemingly bad has also a good side,
it is good to look out for this ,sometimes it takes longer
until we can see the good ,we have to look back.
Being grateful is always making a difference, it feels good
and makes life more pleasant.
Thank you
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