See the Benefits if You Declutter And Simplify Your Life
Now is a good time to start to get rid of clutter and simplify your life. Also called minimalism.
Crowded cabinets, an overfilled email account, and mountains of clothes and shoes that would be enough for a lifetime.
This mess is just an outward symbol of your inner world. Inside it may look at least as full and untidy. But luckily nobody sees that only you feel it. Are you in survival mode?
The hardest thing in the world is to simplify your life; it’s so easy to make it complex. -Yvon Chouinard
Do you sometimes wish to eliminate this complex madness? Click, and everything is just quiet. Your never-ending mind chatter included?
Just rest, do nothing, and only be you?
Want to get out of survival mode?
Declutter And Simplify Your Life
When I saw people in other counties with less stuff or even in poverty, I have often experienced another togetherness, a different sense of time, perhaps even a serenity. The limited material emphasized the very structure of life. The family, the food, the conversation, the idle sitting in the sun on the roadside.
Seeing this, I was thinking of minimalism and simplifying life. Can you realize the infinite possibilities without having to think about possessions?
You may think that is not possible. But it works! You just have to do it. Become aware of how everyone is struggling with their lives, even though life could be much more comfortable.
By realizing that we, in reality, do not need that much to be happy. You can get out of the race.
“One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up.”
Simplify your Life
Here are seven reasons to declutter not just your cabinets, but also simplify your life.
1-You have more time and are more relaxed
Sets priorities and plan the day well, it saves hustle and creates free space. Those people who consume less have more time. In all the hours you spend searching, buying, maintaining, and disposing of, you could simply live.
2-You save money
It is true, the purpose of money is to use it. Sometimes you think buying a certain things makes you happy. It may be, but only for a while.
Consuming less means that there is more money in your wallet and this can allow you to question how you could invest in yourself with these savings?
At the end of the day, saving money is really about efficiency. You simplify your life, and its overall quality inevitably gets better. – Elizabeth Rogers
3-Your life will become more purposeful
With less junk, but more time and money in the wallet, you can realize small and big dreams. Travel or relax. Do what you really like, because you can do it, you have the choice. You never know how long this is possible.
“Simplify your life. Take the complications, rules, “shoulds,” “musts,” “have tos,” and so on out of your consciousness”. – Dr. Wayne Dyer.
4-You get in touch with yourself
All possessions demand attention and your subconscious mind reacts to the chaos. Anyone who throws off ballast feels free. To have less stuff to look after you have time to get aware of your own desires, goals, and needs.
You gain new energy if you can rearrange your life
You can rearrange your life by sorting it out and this will release new life energy. Rearrange your thinking and allow you to see what you deserve more clearly.
5-You feel free
Those who clear their heads, rearrange their thoughts, throw small worries and limiting beliefs overboard, gain clarity. Clear, focused thoughts and an open, free mind will give you an unrestricted view of the beauty of life.
6-You become happier
It makes you content when you are not dealing with what you are missing. You will appreciate more what you have. Be grateful.
“Simplify your life. Don’t waste the years struggling for things that are unimportant. Don’t burden yourself with possessions. Keep your needs and wants simple and enjoy what you have. Don’t destroy your peace of mind by looking back, worrying about the past. Live in the present. Simplify! “-Henry David Thoreau
7-Simplifying life is a gift to ourselves
Minimalism is the bare life, a gift to us. Instead, of overthinking about how to decorate it, fill life with joy. Just Be! Mostly pretty healthy, mostly in peace. You realize that you have everything you need in life. And anyway, we can not take anything with us, other than our experiences and the love we received.
You may well have to simplify to live the life God is inviting you to live. -Bill Hybels
All the junk and stuff will stay here one day, all the rubbish. So let’s start reducing. Let’s focus on the essentials and clean up our lives. The house, the cupboards, the heads, and the limiting beliefs.
The more I simplify my life, the happier I feel. – Bradford Winters
Let’s make time for ourselves, or others, friends, family, or for doing nothing at all.
Turn off your phone. Stop paying attention to your mind chatter. And get out of the carousel of life. Don’t miss out of enjoying life. Take a break!
Inhale and exhale and enjoy!
Are you ready to simplify your life?
Download my free e-book > Let The Sunshine In
Change your thoughts brighten your Day and feel good about yourself
Affirmations and insights to think about and learn to
change our thoughts and perception which can change our life.
May it help you to have a more positive
outlook 🙂
Hi Erika,
Simplicity has a power in it. Still, people think that funky ways are more effective. I believe in staying classic and carry the simplicity as much as I can.
You do good, Gaurav
Better to keep life simple and have more fun ,instead of taking care of possessions.
To your simple and happy life.
Sukhina Bhav 🙂
Love this post! We aren’t quite off the grid–but a woodstove warms our house and we don’t have cable. Life is earthier even in a city. Getting back to simplicity can guide us toward God and the better life you describe.
Hi Nancy,
I am glad you love the post. A warm woodstove is something beautiful
and much more enjoyable. You are right life with nature brings us near
to our creator this is what many people living in a city are missing.
Thank you for your visit and comment
Useful post! I really believe in staying classic and carry the simplicity as much as i can. thanks for sharing such interesting post.
You are welcome,
and keep the classic and simple style
Thank you
Hi Erika,
As I get older, I am moving more towards being a minimalist. Life moves way too fast and it has become much more complicated than ever, filling our life with too many things to do, too many lists to write and never enough hours. One can easily get overwhelmed by it all and feel like they are caught in a spider’s web and can’t break the strands to get out.
Hi Rachel,
yes, I can see how it is for many people. Some are overwhelmed with things that make life complicated.
You do good by moving more toward minimalism, it gives more space for the self.
We do not need much to have a peaceful life.
Thank you for sharing your experience
very nice article
Thanks a lot for the kind of perfect topic I have not a lot of information about it but I have got an extra unique info in your unique post.
I am glad you got unique info and liked my post
Thank you
Hi Erika,
It is so true. I “downsized” about six years ago when I moved. I only kept necessities. I just couldn’t believe how much I had accumulated over the years from an extra set of dishes to blankets and curtains for every season. It is so true what you have written that “All possessions demand attention and your subconscious mind react to chaos.” Since I have minimized my mind is more clear and I do have more time for the important things in life.
Great article!
Hi Donna,
You did right, most peoples house is like storage. Because we have been moving so often and started life over several times, I learned to keep it within reasonable limits, and still it accumulates:)
I think some people do not realize that they are caged in by stuff.
A friend of mine rented even storage. She did not look at these things for years, would it not be better to give this unnecessary stuff away? Why pay to store it?
Good, you did it right, it is true there are more important things in life.
Thank you for sharing your experience