Tandava mindful yoga meditation in motion
Meditation is not all about sitting for hours, Meditation has many different forms. Let’s look here at dance Meditation.
This is one of the oldest meditations, it is said that it was practiced 15000 Years ago by Shiva the first yogi the Adiyogi.
As physicist Fritjof Capra points out, “Modern physics has shown that the rhythm of creation and destruction is not only manifest in the turn of the seasons and in the birth and death of all living creatures but is also the very essence of inorganic matter,” and “for the modern physicists, then, Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter.”
Tandava – Shiva’s Dance Meditation
Tandava is an ancient practice of Kashmiri Shaivism. It is a mindful meditation in motion. Tandava is yoga, which teaches no fixed body positions, but a free-flowing, intuitive movement work, a dance that is created simple. A dance and movement meditation that builds up from silence and the perception of our own actual situation and has a special focus on our breathing. In conjunction with the respiratory flow, the mediator gives permission that the body movement arises. The breath waves are transmitted to a certain extent to the body, which is more and more on the move over time, the body motion waves can propagate in all areas of the physical body, and even beyond this.

Tandava -Shiva’s Dance Meditation click to see this video
We meditate in order to know ourselves and it is the desire to immerse ourselves deeply.
Meditation is the process to develop a loving relationship with our own higher consciousness or self. Ultimately, it comes to a relationship with this deeper or higher Self. And this is self-love, and therefore, it responds to love, it is delicate and can come out through delicacy. We put on the self, as we deal gently with ourselves and with the energy inside us.
The self, we can also call it pure awareness.
“There is a secret one inside us. The Planets in all the galaxies pass through his hands like beads. That is a string of beads one should look at with luminous eyes”.
Best we never fix us on the contents but remain solely with the energy that we can feel when thoughts, emotions, or images emerge.
Presence is a state of feeling
To reach this state of feeling, it takes the practice of gentle affection. This way of practice is given in Tandava wonderful. Love itself is the ultimate goal of meditation because it forms the fabric of the Absolute. Joy belongs to our essence.
is a very slow dance, a form of yoga that has no fixed movements.
Also, Tandava is awareness meditation in slow motion and leads to deep relaxation. Relaxation, in turn, forms the basis for the flow of life energy, creativity, spontaneity, and joy!
Be the body to become aware of the means to be aware of the totality. The unlimited space – the void – is an essential part of our body. So our body is the infinite expanse. It has unlimited wisdom, deep peace, and inexhaustible joy.
Also, we are mentally calmed down and we are immediately in the open expanse.
Make the experience of space and be aware of your contractions on the mental, emotional and physical levels. Also a special form of “shadow work”.
In Tandava or in the yoga of emotions we allow the actual emotion to move through us, we give it room, until it disappears in space, the emptiness of the open expanse, dissolves.
In other words, when we focus on the energy in the emotions rather than on their content, the emotions begin to melt.
Michael Jackson said:
“On many an occasion when I am dancing, I have felt touched by something sacred. In those moments, I felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists. Become the stars and the moon, become the lover and the beloved. And I become the victor and the vanquished, become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song, become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation. The Creator and the creation merge into one wholeness of joy. I keep on dancing—until there is only … the dance.”
source: The Dance of Creation
You may be interested in: Vedanta, Computer Science, AI, Yoga, Consciousness Tandav
Who does not like to dance and be in flow? Dancing to music in our own rhythm is joy 🙂
Do you like to dance? Does it not feel good?
I hope you liked to learn about Shiva’s dance and this lesser-known art of yoga meditation is interesting for you 🙂
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I am very new to yoga, this article and the video has shown me what else there is to look forward to as I explore further. I will be bookmarking this for future reference. Thanks for posting 🙂
Hi Kay,
Nice to see you here.
Tandava yoga is not that popular here I think ,
I only wanted to show different kinds of yoga,
the purpose of all yoga meditation is to get calm and
to connect to our true self and know ourselves, which is
the start to personal development. As it is said: “Know thyself”
Here most people think it is for exercise only.
Thank you for your comment
Wooo Hooo Erica. Love Love Love This post!!
I have not heard of this Tandava yoga before
but will be looking into it now FOR SURE!
Thank YOU So Much for sharing.
Have a Great Thanksgiving
Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted…Developing A Positive Mindset With Chery
Hi Chery ,
Tandava is not very known. I saw it as intuitive dancing meditation.
A friend of mine in Germany did practice it. It can be very liberating
and relaxing, another kind of meditation to gain awareness.
Happy you liked it
Thank you
Happy Thanksgiving 🙂
According to Hindu Mythology, Lord Shiva used to do Tandava when he was very angry.
Good post.
Thanks for sharing!
Naman recently posted…A View Of The Childhood Of Abdul Kalam
Hi Naman ,
is this not a good way to get in a better state of mind ?
And he did dance with Sati as well 🙂 not only when he was angry 🙂
Thanks for visiting
As far as I know there were two forms of Tandav. One was soft and he used to perform the same with Sati and the other one was aggressive and he used to perform that form when he was very angry ( not just angry). It was Shiva’s way of venting out his anger .
Bharat Sharma recently posted…13 Major Health Benefits Of Turmeric
Hi Bharat ,
nice to see you here.
Yes,you are right,did Shiva ji not teach us a good lesson?
Who can stay angry and aggressive while dancing?
A good way to change this bad state of mind.
I wish I could see his dance with Sati 🙂
And Bharat ,I visited your blog,would it not be
good if you put an about you on it with your picture?
I think you did a good job with your post.
Show up.
Thank you
Thanks for sharing this Erika! The fact that I’m seeing this today only proves to me that I need to get back into yoga like I’ve been thinking about for weeks now.
Take care and Happy Thanksgiving!
Jan Shaw recently posted…10 Sources of Content for Your Home Business Blog
Hi Jan ,
nice to meet you here,
I am glad this post can bring you back to yoga.
It is something good for health, happiness and awareness.
Good for you to start and get back .
Thank you
Happy Thanksgiving to you too 🙂
Hi Erika,
This is very interesting and new to me.
Thank you for the refreshing post 🙂
Emi recently posted…Instagram For Business
Hi Emi ,
I am glad you find it refreshing 🙂
It is only another way of yoga meditation.
There are many and I think there is something for everyone
which can help to get in contact with the inner self.
I had a friend in Germany,she did this intuitive dancing
and many liked it.
Thank you
WOW Erika, Honestly despite being in INDIA and a following Hindu religion I have never paid so close attention to this. All I was knowing the Adiyogi Lord Shiva used to do tandav when he gets angry, but now I can co related.
BTW Erika your blog have a lot of stuff to read to get peace of Mind, I have been new to blogging just started and exploring all of the blogs and bloggers nothing is better then connecting with all of the Authors. it seems to be worth visiting your Blog thanks to one of the Post by Enstine Muki about Top COmment Plugin where you stands on TOP with most comments.
Back to you,
Thanks for the Connections.
Ashok Singh recently posted…Xender for PC Free Download Windows 7/8/XP/MAC
Hi Ashok,
I am glad you liked my post.
Is it not interesting you did not pay attention to this?
I know there is more interest in the west right now
in India, but the west did learn a lot from India and the
Bhagawat Gita. Most scientists and philosophers did benefit
from the teachings and traditions of India and the east.
Would not be bad to look a bit deeper in it, without the
religion around it, because Hindu is not a religion it is a
way of life a life philosophy,Bharata the Rhythm of life?
Lord Shiva may have danced when angry, but maybe
to get in a better mood and mindset? Maybe read this
and get started to find out more about 🙂
Why Hinduism isn’t an “ism” but a Way of LifeWhy Hinduism isn’t an “ism” but a Way of Life
Yes, I have been featured on Enstine Mulis’s blog.
I am not a very skilled blogger myself and do blog
only a 2 years and learning, not easy for me sometimes
because English is not my first language, so it takes me longer
to write.
Nice to meet you here and thank you for your comment
Hi Erika,I am from Bangladesh and a Buddhist one. In Buddhism there are some kinds of meditation. Walk Meditation is one among them. I think Dance Meditation is as like as Walk Meditation.But sometimes I watch Shiva’s Tandav Dance in television when He gets angry. Today I understand it is a power to know or to do something desired. Beyond doubt this is a great post. Thank you for sharing. Sant Kirpal Singh
Hi Rabin,
it sounds right, walk meditation is also a dynamic meditation.
I know that Tandava most of the time people thinking of Shiva being
angry. Can anybody stay angry while dancing? I think it is a way to
release anger. Walking in Nature will have the same effect, it is calming
and anger can be released. Good to try it 🙂
Thank you for your comment