“He who breathes half lives only half.”
When metabolism is mentioned, most people think of digestive or kidney function. The most important metabolic process is your breathing which it mostly not realized. How you breathe has diverse effects on your body, and you can control respiration but not digestion. Let’s look at how to stimulate your metabolism, release tension, and feel much more comfortable in general.
In Ayurveda, breathing accompanies therapies with pranayama.
Prana means Life -Energy Respiration generates prana ( breath, upward movement ); where there is no prana – there is no life.
It is stated: “He who breathes half lives only half.”
Stimulate the metabolism and calm yourself.
Do you know what fear and anger feel like? Yes? These feelings do something important :
Did you realize that your breathing changed?
Many people breathe only half when they are afraid. When angry, it is often the other way around; you exhale more than you inhale. We feel overwhelmed; our breath is shallow.
A vast majority of people breathe too shallowly, especially when it comes to exhaling; try it yourself:
Inhale normal and exhale again. After you have exhaled, pull in the belly button, and you will notice a lot of air coming out of your lungs.
This is the air that you do not exhale by normal and shallow breathing; it can not be replaced.
This means that if you breathe in and out as usual fresh air will mix with used air.
Not very effective because the more oxygen in your body is, the fitter you will feel and the better your metabolism.
Sit back and make yourself comfortable; breathe in as deeply as your comfort zone.
And then exhale completely until the lung is really empty, and again, continue.
Do not breathe faster or slower than usual; otherwise, you may get drowsy or dizzy.
Guarantees you feel more relaxed and fresh after five breaths. Just try to evoke anger or fear while you breathe this way: It does not work. Now you have a wonderful trick if you get stressed :
Deep breathing.
After a while of deep breathing, maybe your stomach starts to gurgle. The reason is the metabolism is stimulated, which indicates success. 15-20 breaths, as we have just tried together after dinner, and only your deep breathing stimulates digestion and can even eliminate bloating.

To stimulate your metabolism – Energy Breathing
We are constantly surrounded by life forces such as the sunlight or the air.
If you practice breathing, get the idea that you not only inhale air but pure, fresh vitality.
It flows with your breath into the lungs, the abdomen, through your whole body, and provides freshness.
If your stomach gurgles again, the mission to stimulate your metabolism is fulfilled.
It is really that simple to stimulate our metabolism. And to keep permanently on a good performance, make this breathing exercise every day. Do 20 deep breaths.
Please don’t do this before bedtime because you really become more energetic and will be more difficult to fall asleep.
Do this exercise if you are down during the day. You can breathe in with this method everything, for example, peace, courage, and cheerfulness.
Or if, for example, you are tired, imagine how the tiredness becomes smaller with each exhalation.
Stimulate your metabolism with a few minutes of “me-time.”
Our breath is both an important metabolic process as well as a kind of ” Turbo” for the other metabolic processes. If it works, everything else will work as it should. With a few minutes of attention only to the flow of air in your lungs, you can stimulate your metabolism and increase your well-being.
Just try it.
To learn more about the art of breathing, click here> The Yogic Art of Breathing
Hi Erika,
Breathing is so magical when you use it to help with anxiety, improving your health, being calm abd so much more… it is an innate gift, a lifeforce to use. But, most people are not aware. So writing about it can raise awareness.. thank you
Hi Lesly ,
Lets make them aware ,will have another one
of this soon . It is easy to do ,does not cost anything
and how to breath right is an ancient wisdom we forgot about .
thank you
Hi Erika,
Interesting how something as simple as breathing can be beneficial in so many ways that we take for granted.
For many years I have been encouraging all I know to ‘breathe in deeply’, slow down, cure hiccups with 3 deep breaths etc.
This article is very helpful in raising more awareness to the benefits of breathing correctly.
Thank you ๐
Hi Sonia ,
Right breathing is very beneficial ,
and if we pay attention for a while ,
we can make it a habit .
Thank you for you comment ๐
I’m thinking of breathing right now because my nephew is in the process of being born! I used it for a very fast labor a year ago- less than 4 hours! I need to use it more intentionally when I am anxious or scared. For some reason, my mind only relates breathing to something unconscious and automatic and for labor. =) Great reminder.
Hi Meredith,
Breathing in a right way is necessary for labor,
but also keeps us healthy in every days life and it
would be good to do deep breathing at least when we are aware
while walking or exercising .Start to practice ๐
Thank you
As an RN I know full well the benefits of good breathing habits. It is a very fundamental habit, and one worth working on to keep your health. I appreciate all your information and great tips….keep them coming! ๐
Hi Diane ,
Yes right breath is important to keep healthy.
Thank you for the comment ….more following ๐
Breathing is inspiration. I used to be a professional rebirther and was amazed to discover that people breathe so differently.
Hi Mary ,
this is interesting ,you are right
people breathe differently and I noticed while
doing my exercise classes ,that the ones who do not have a rhythm
get more often pain.I always try to get them in a breath rhythm
with the music and movement.
Thank you for the comment
Thank you for sharing this important post with us. I know I don’t breath enough. By that, I mean that I often find myself holding my breath! I try to be mindful and to remember to breath but, I don’t know why … I keep finding myself there again. I will keep practicing some deep breathing. Thank you for the reminder! ๐
Hi Jeanne,
I think everybody is sometimes holding the breath,
but we can choose a time ,while walking for example to
breath deep,or whenever we get aware.
Thank you for the comment
Hi Meredith,
I’m deep breathing on the hour and am already seeing stupendous results. Mainly because I’m BREATHING, for the first time in a bit, and being present, and feeling energized.
Thank you for trying ,Ryan
continue ,but sleep first ,if you breath deep you get to energetic
and sleepless .:)
Thanks for the comment ๐
Sorry, I meant Erika ๐ Need some more sleep lol….and breath I suppose ๐
Like I said, sleep first,after breath deep ๐
[…] read more here ย Breathing – Stimulate Your Metabolism […]
Thank you for this valuable post! Breathing correctly is more important, in more ways, than I knew!
My husband is asthmatic, and has been since he was 12 years old. Years ago he told me one of the problems he has is that he cannot exhale all the way, so his breathing is shallow. He makes a point of practising exhaling all the way whenever he can.
I am not asthmatic, but in the past few years I’ve noticed my breathing has been very shallow, so now whenever I think of it, I practise exhaling too.
Whenever I am speaking in front of a crowd, I HAVE to remind myself to exhale! Because what happens is, I keep taking in breath, but don’t take the time to let it all out! Thankfully I’ve never fainted from hyperventilating yet — but breathing becomes a conscious act, in order to do it right.
Hi Willena,
You do good to remind yourself and be conscious about breathing.
I am sure it helps you husband as well.
Thank you for the comment
Hi Erika,
Thanks for sharing. Some of this information I didn’t know. I had to take breathing treatment and learn how to breathe deeply when I was recovering from my collapsed lung. I still do them from time to time.
Mostly I do the really deep breathing to help me sleep at night. Usually about 4 to 5 times and I’m out like a light.
Have a great Mothers’ Day, Monna
Thank you Monna ,
Deep breathing can calm ,but also it can make you more energetic.
Seems it calms you ,that you can sleep well .
Thanks for the reminder of the value of breathing deeply. As a former professor of health and physical education, I taught yoga and meditation, breathing and stress management for many years. I know the importance of paying attention to my breathing but sometimes I get so busy and the stress gets high, and just when I need it most I forget to pay attention.
Hi Erica ,
I think we all have times ,we forget about ,
good to be aware in stressful situations and it helps to calm down .
Thank you for the comment
What I like about deep breathing is that if you are nervous or anything like that or unsure then it calms you down. And another thing you can do it you are upset count to ten and if you are very upset count to 20. It pays off!
Lawrence Bergfeld
Hi Lawrence,
You got it right and do good ,it is great to have a way to calm down
and change your mood if upset ๐
Thank you for your comment
Wait… now I am anxious about mt breathing… which should make me less anxious. if i do it right! Ha – only kidding. Deep breathing certainly calms me down. That and closing my eyes and thinking of my happy place preferable while feeling the warmth of the sun on my face! It can be very relaxing for me. Thanks for the breathing lesson.
Hi Dawn,
I hope you take often time to do this
it is very beneficial in our busy time
Thank you ๐
Hi Erika,
I do focus on the power of self-care in calming me and helping me manage my stress. I often practice deep breathing during stressful situations–making it a habit to take big long breath in, hold it two seconds, then push it out.
Hi Rachel ,
you do good with this ,
it is really beneficial
thank you for the comment
This is a wonderful technique, Erika.
As you say, it’s pretty difficult to be angry, or scared, while you practice this.
Stress is the main cause of degenerative illnesses, and digestion disorders is the number one cause of chronic poor health. Unfortunately, most of these disorders thrive only at subclinical levels, so people walk around with anger and fear, thinking they’re perfectly healthy because they go to the gym or ride a bike.
Breathing is the source of all life energy. Practicing this little exercise you have given us can vastly improve the harmonious flow of this life energy, and thereby, our overall health and happiness.
Thanks for sharing it.
Hi David ,
thank you ,it is right ,it helps and it is unbelievable
how it can change to mood and makes people happy.
I have a exercise group where we do exercise with breathing
and it is amazing how much better everybody feels after and all like it
very much ,
Thanks for the comment
Great explanation Erika, As one who meditates I knew the benefits of good breathing and can usually spot times that I am breathing a shallow breath and try to change my environment to allow better breathing. I had no idea about the link to our metabolism so thanks for sharing.
Hi Lawrence,
Breathing is very beneficial, good you do meditation
and change when you notice shallow breathing.
Breathing helps even to lose weight you can read here about > https://betotalwell.wordpress.com/
More and more the health care system is getting aware of the benefit of breathing for better health.
Thank you for the visit
Great post Erika.
I am going to try a little experiment.
20 deep breathing breaths when I am getting tired when working on the computer.
It was said not to do this just before bed as it gives you to much energy.
I will see how it goes for me next week.
Thanks for the great helpful article.
Kathryn Maclean recently posted…Can You Write A Blog?
Hi Kathryn ,
Deep breathing will help especially in fresh air .
I am teaching an exercise here with breathing and it is the most loved.
Everybody feel great after it.Breathing is also good for losing weight.
Read here in one of my other blogs > https://betotalwell.wordpress.com/
I hope breathing deep helps you too.
Thank you