Easily make yourself fresh sprouts
We can grow sprouts all year long, but I usually start in winter because in summer, I have fresh greens in my garden. Wintertime is good to start sprouting.
If seeds are soaked in water and begin to germinate, the grains become true power plants.
For example, Broccoli sprouts form anti-cancer substances during the nucleation process. While dry peas contain no vitamin C, germinated pea sprouts provide far more vitamin C than fresh oranges. Sprouts are rich in active enzymes, antioxidants, and
other valuable nutrients. The best thing is that we can grow this superfood all year in our own homes.
Sprouts are a miracle food and are, even after the harvest, still alive and provide the body with incredibly fresh nutrients.
The germination process allows us to eat the seedlings raw with all its valuable ingredients.
The hard seeds are getting soft and easy to digest during germination.
Enzymes are activated by the water and start the metabolism and growth of the seeds.
The production of nutrients, vitamins, phytochemicals, and other nutrients is boosted
during germination, the seed begins to grow and live.
Valuable nutrients and enzymesย
The germination of seeds, nuts, grains, and legumes increased their enzymes up to 43 times. When we eat them, these enzymes activate our body and help us to digest the nutrients we take with our food much better.
A salad of various sprouts, compared with a conventional salad of lettuce, for example, has five times more proteins, six times more vitamin C, and seven times more vitamins of the B complex!
Sprouts also have the highest concentration of nutrients per calorie compared to other foods. Their nutritional value is many times higher than that of non-germinated grain, like seeds, beans, or nuts. Sprouts contain large amounts of antioxidants, heal cell damage, and protect against early aging.
Another advantage of sprouts is that you barely need preparation time.
They must not be washed, peeled, or chopped; simply enjoy.
Sprouts have nutritional benefits and can be used in many different ways:
in salads, in smoothies, soups, with vegetable pans, on bread, and sauces.
Sprouting – What to look for
The seeds can be easily grown the whole year at home.
All you need is a jar, water, and natural sprouting seeds, the best organic seeds, or nuts.
Germination containers are now available in a variety of shapes and sizes, but you can use also a usual jar. But no matter which product you choose, the principle of growing sprouts is always the same:
The sprouts need air and moisture to germinate. They should be flushed with fresh water
to keep them moist; always drain the water. The germination time varies depending on the
type of sprouts 2-8 days.
If they are a little longer in the jar, they form green leaves and become little plants, which also are edible and very nutritious.
Want to have healthy fresh salad in winter?
Now is a good time to start and benefit from the nutrition
you can easily produce in your home.
Here is a video how to do it
See also Gluten free Millet A Ancient Grain Millet For Vegan and Vegetarian
and > The Healing Power of Broccoli Sprouts

Wonderful post Erika! Years ago I always had sprouts growing in my kitchen and somewhere along the line I stopped, probably about the time I divorced and had to deal with “life” on a whole new level. So this is a great reminder and I am definitely going to revisit this practice. Thank you, and wishing you a happy, healthy holiday season!
Marquita Herald recently posted…Why It’s So Hard To Be Compassionate
Good ,that I could remind you ,Marquita ๐
Yes ,this kind of life challenges ,can let us forget
about things like this . Now is the time :),start to sprout again ๐
Wishing you a healthy and joyful year 2015
Happy Holidays
Very cool Erika,
haven’t try this but definitely will start.
Super cool video too, really enjoyed your article.
Thank you for sharing,
Happy Holidays!
Emi recently posted…Optimize Your Blog Post for SEO
Hi Emily ,
I am happy you are inspired to try it ,
as you saw in the video ,it is really easy to do
and sprouts have a lot of benefits and you can have
them always fresh available at home ๐
You are right the video is well done ๐
Wish you too Happy Holidays
Hi Erika,
Oh boy you have written about one of my favorite food sources! SPROUTS!!! It is a good thing for me that my local health food store has their own greenhouse sprouts. It is like a miracle food Erika! I eat it when watching a movie instead of pop corn! lol.
As for growing them, I used to do it a while back. My kitchen now doesn’t have the room to where my dogs cannot get at it. I was growing broccoli sprouts and one morning I woke to see the entire floor all messed up but the sprouts were carefully picked by the dogs. They sure know how to eat!
However, I do have plans for a higher space in my kitchen where a microwave was when I moved in. Needless to say, I don’t use that, so I’m setting up that space to grow my sprouts where the dogs cannot reach!
donna merrill recently posted…The 10 Best Ways To Blog in 2015
Great Donna ,
I thought that you would like them ๐
Good to have a place near you where you can buy sprouts ,
not everybody has this. And we see the dogs may like them too ?
You are right ,microwave is better not in our kitchen ,
a place for sprouts is much better ๐
Thank you
Hi Erika,
Very interesting. I have eaten sprouts before but it has been many years ago. I have just never thought of trying them again. My mother used to put them in Chow Mein when she made it.
Have a wonderful new year, my friend.
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted…Personal Branding With Your About Me Page
Hi Monna ,
Maybe you should start to sprout ?
It is not much work and you have
always something fresh and healthy at home .
Thank you
Hi Erika,
Wow – very cool video. I must admit I have not ever eaten sprouts. Now I am going to have to try for sure! I have always been told by others how healthy they are and your blog is just a reminder I need to work them into my daily life. Thanks for sharing.
Nathaniel Kidd recently posted…Frugal Tips on What Not to Buy Until After the New Year
Hi Nathaniel ,
I am happy I could remind you to make a healthy decision.
The sprouts really are beneficial.
I am sure the video helps to get started .
Thank you for your comment
Hi Erika,
I am not a huge fan of sprouts, sorry, but fantastic post on the benefits of sprouts, thanks for sharing ๐
Joan Harrington recently posted…How To Live 2015 With No Regrets
I’ve known for a long time how great sprouts are. I used to grow them in jars in my kitchen years ago when my children were young. Now there are only 3 of us living here most of the time, and I don’t grow them. Go figure. Growing your own is ‘way less expensive than buying them.
Thanks for the informative post on their value, and the video on how to do it.
Willena Flewelling recently posted…Week 14 โ The Highest Mountain of All
You are right,Willena
growing your own is easy and inexpensive.
We are even only two most of the time and
I grow them .Maybe start again ๐
Thank you
Lovely blog you have here ๐ I like sprouts and you have shared how to grow them.. excellent. Appreciate the information ๐
Lesly Federici recently posted…The Truth About Success
Hi Lesly ,
I am glad you like the blog. After I started myself and messed it totally up ,
my friend Anant did it for me ,even while he is overwhelmed with other work.
Happy you like sprouts ๐ do you grow some ?
Thank you ,
This is really cool, I will have to go get me some seeds.
I haven’t had any form of sprouts in years other than Brussel sprouts.
On the other hand I do know that sprouts can germinate over a weekend as I found out when I was at university ๐
Thanks and Happy New Year
Yes Andy ,
they can germinate over a weekend .
It is even interesting to see them grow ๐
Happy to hear you want to go and get some seeds .
Brussel sprouts are healthy as well ,if they are organic ๐
Thank you for the comment and Happy Year 2015
A timely post Erika, I’ve been reading a lot about sprouted foods and how they have great health benefits. Thank you for helping me understand them more
Sarah Arrow recently posted…Blogging strategically or only when you have something to say?
You are welcome ,Sarah
Maybe now you consider to start sprouting ?
Helps to keep healthy in winter .
Thank you
Hello Erika:
I haven’t eaten alfalfa sprouts in years. I used to eat them on sandwiches, kind of like a garnish. Right now I have some chia seeds. I’m not sure if seeds bought at the healthfood store for eating would sprout? What do you think?
We actually have a Sprouts Healthfood Store nearby! Have you ever been there? What a great post and reminder of how to use sprouts to add to our daily menu.
Best wishes in 2015!
Deborah Ten Brink recently posted…How To Avoid The Paralyzing Fear Of Failure
Hi Deborah ,
usually seed should sprout if there are natural.
In get mine in our healthfood store ,they are special for sprouting.
I do not have a healthfood store near here ,I live far from town,but
good if you can find them near you .
Alfalfa sprouts are great on sandwiches.
All the best for 2015 for you too
Thank you
Hi Erika,
Thanks so much for posting this! I knew sprouts were good for you but I didn’t know HOW good they are. I really want to do this.
Thanks for sharing,
Lillian De Jesus recently posted…3 Clever Steps To Use Multiple Graphic or Pattern Sheets in Canva [VIDEO]
Hi Lillian ,
Good you found out about the
benefit of the sprouts and
I am happy you want to grow some .
Thank you
Thanks for the great information what a way to have some variety during the long winters we have. After this last one this looks like something to try. Thanks for including the video.
Hi Lawrence ,
yes, it is something you should try,It is really something easy to do and I start
right when there is nothing to get from the garden anymore.There are very tasty
mixed seeds which make a good salad. And it is always available fresh and clean.
It is nice looking at the growing sprout in our cold winter and very healthy.
Thank you ,I hope you try it
Hi Erika, I have never eaten sprouts, but they sure sound delicious. I have been telling myself for years that I was going to try them. Haven’t yet. Bad me. Tell me about your experiences living off the grid. Do you use solar panels? I would be very curious to know such details.
Lolette Stephenson recently posted…New Segment Being Added !!
Hi Lolette,
You should try Sprouts,as you see it is easy to do , and they have more nutrition than as sprouts than later.
I do only in winter ,because now I have a lot of greens . Yes we are off grid on windpower and solar . My experience is good ๐
In the time we set it up ,our son did ,everybody laughed at us and called us crazy ,but we never have been without power,when the people
around us ,did not have power for weeks in bad weather condition and no heating .For city people it is a learning process ,not to waste
and be mindful ,but for us it was never a problem .European people are used to take care of the consumption .
If you need more info ,let me know .
Thank you
Oh my goodness, Erika, I’m so glad I found this post. I will have to investigate
further. What is your favorite thing to sprout? I’ve had some sprouts on top
of salads before, but truly did not realize the nutritional value.
Thanks so much for sharing!
BG Jenkins recently posted…Into the Fire
Hi Bg ,
I am happy too you found it ๐
There are all kind of seeds we can sprout .
I usually use broccoli,mixed spicy salad,ed clover,
fenugreek, radish,alfalfa and…,
I do it usually only in winter when there is
nothing green in my garden.
But you can do it all the time .
Try it ,it is really good and healthy.
Thank you
This post is, of course, after my heart. I especially love the sprouter.
Hi Elise,
Yes, sprouting is easy and very healthy. I do it right now when it is not possible to have greens from the garden.
I make a salad with sprouts and even my grandkids love to eat them with a sandwich.The sprouter is simple but it works ๐
I am glad you found and liked the post.
Thank you for your comment
Yesterday I went to my moms and she made Brussel Sprouts in the air fryer. It was crisp-tender and delicious without much oil at all. I just wanted to share ๐
Hi Elise,
I usually like to eat sprouts raw in a salad.
But air fryer sounds interesting, I did not hear of it.
What exactly is it?
Thanks for sharing ๐
Glad I saw this post while browsing through your site Erika. I’m a veggie lover and never thought about the benefits of sprouts. It’s also good you featured how to grow this at home. I like to mix them in fresh salads and wrappers. Loved that it helps protect against ageing and its small size have big benefits. Thank you very much for sharing.
I am glad you found the post,Nancy. Sprouts are healthy and easy to grow.
I do it most in winter and use greens from my garden in summer. If you
have not a garden, you can grow them all year on your window sill.
Here more for you if you are interested http://www.rawfoodrecipesnews.com/sprout-recipes-healthy-food/
Thank you
I highly appreciate your efforts behind this amazing blog,
a big thank you for showing the importance of sprouts.
Great Post Thank you!
Hi Shreya,
Yes, sprouts are very easy to grow and very beneficial.
It is possible to have them all year right in our kitchen.
Thank you for your comment
Hi Erika,
Really love your post. Thanks so much for sharing this. I knew that sprouts are good for health and nutritious, but I didnโt know how good they could be. Lots of information you have covered in the topic. Thanks again.
Dr Geetima Deka recently posted…Soy Protein and Whey Protein: Which is Better
Such a nice post and a super cool video too, really enjoyed your article. Thank you for sharing.
I didnโt know how sprouts are good. After reading your post I know that really want to do this. Thanks for sharing,
I like sprouts and you have shared how to grow them. Thanks so much for posting this
A big thank you for showing the importance of sprouts.
I usually like to eat sprouts raw in a salad, and you showing the importance of sprouts. I appreciate the information