What Are Paradigms? Have A Paradigm Shift! – Improve your Life

What Are Paradigms?
Often, when talking about It, People ask: what are paradigms?I thought it might be good to explain here what it is.
Bob Proctor says that a paradigm is a multitude of habits.These habits are stored in our subconscious minds, and we are not even aware of them. These are our belief systems.

We carry them […]

By |August 22nd, 2016|49 Comments

How To Go Through Tough Times But Never Give Up

Tough Times Never Last, but Tough People Do!
– Robert H. Schuller

Here are the story and the insights of a young man who never did give up, even he went  through very tough times.

With discipline and vision,  Sam Adeyinka continues his way and goes after his dream.

Here he did write his story for us and shares […]

By |August 11th, 2016|41 Comments

We Are Born With Inherent Potential A Creative Genius

Everyone is born with an inherent genius potential
I recently read the post of a young friend, Rajat Poonia, which made me think about our creative genius.

He is writing about an event he came across that made him think. It was a little girl who was walking on Tightrope and performing incredible stunts. Rajat wondered how […]

By |July 17th, 2016|50 Comments

Successful Dreams – Do What You Love

The title of this post: “Successful Dreams are illustrations from the book
written by your soul,” is what Sazia Kazia chose for her post it tells us a bit about her feeling. Not everybody has successful dreams; it needs work, dedication, persistence, and love for what we do.

I want to introduce her here, and we will […]

By |July 2nd, 2016|56 Comments

Flow Like A River Towards Your Dream

“Flow like a river towards the dream “is the title today.

A River has to do with water and water is a great teacher in life.
Not everybody is aware of this, but if we think about and pay attention
observe and be aware of it, we can learn a lot. Water is life without water no life.

Water […]

By |June 18th, 2016|68 Comments