Everyone is born with an inherent genius potential

I recently read the post of a young friend, Rajat Poonia, which made me think about our creative genius.

We Are Born With Inherent Potential A Creative Genius

He is writing about an event he came across that made him think. It was a little girl who was walking on Tightrope and performing incredible stunts. Rajat wondered how this little girl could do this on a rope 6 -7 ft. above the ground.

She sure had amazing potential and support to be able to show her talent. I realized there is a lot of doubt about our inherent potential. There are discussions like “Is Genius born or learned ?” some say: “Geniuses are made, not born”

Buckminster Fuller said: โ€œEveryone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them.โ€

Both may be right; if the process of living de-geniuses, one has to learn it again.

See this video with Michio Kaku.

We Are Born With Inherent Potential A Creative Genius


Everyone is born with an inherent creative genius potential

There is a study about what happened in a genius that makes him a genius, which found that it is the number of ways they intake information and bring them in harmony.

The study found that most of all babies operate at a genius level for about the first eighteen to twenty-four months of their lives. If we look at what a baby learns in the first years of his life, we can see it is huge.

From being helpless to using his hands, starting to crawl, walk, think, and talk, it is amazing; it is a genius. Only twenty percent of us are operating at a genius level by the time we are five, and with twenty, only two percent. How does this happen?

The research says this disconnection from our natural capacity comes systematically through the voice of internal judgment. We are being conditioned; we doubt, we fear, we look outside for approval and what others say we can do and be, what is allowed or not.

ย Read about Improve Your Self โ€“ What Are Paradigms?

Instead, to express our inherent potential and talent, we start to doubt ourselves.

I remember

There have been beautiful teachers who realized this, like Maria Montessori and Rudolf Steiner. We have all heard of the Montessori school and the Waldorf school, which encourage kids to show their natural talent.

Not aware of this potential in kids, I remember the time living in Iran, and our son was not yet five years old. He has been in kindergarten in Germany before and spoke more German than Farsi. I thought of sending him to school because I was alone with the kids most of the time, and I wanted him to be with other kids.

It was possible at that time to bring him to a private school. The principal and teachers all said he would not be able to make the first class, only speaking German mostly. I said it does not matter he is not yet five and can repeat the class, and told our son not to be afraid of this.

He not only became one of the best in the class, but I, too, was learning writing and reading Farsi together with him. And I taught him German reading and writing as well at home, I had my first class book with me. We did play “school,” and the kids had fun.

With our daughter it was right the opposite; she just started to talk more in Farsi than German. When she later went to school she was not good at German, it was a German /Iranian school, and she too was talking both languages at the end. She had learned the ABCs with her brother at home.

This was the time for me to start to read and learn about human potential.

Support the youth

Today, we know that the first seven years of our life are important. They shape us, and we have more information. We need to support our youth instead of restricting and conditioning them. Also, it encourages them to express themselves and their creative potential. Moreover, to imagine and dream. No matter the age, they can take action to express it with the awareness of the creative genius within.

Watch > Weapons of Mass Instruction

Dr. Wayne Dyer said :

Any step in the direction of expressing your creative impulses is a step in the direction of actualizing the genius that resides within you.

We Are Born With Inherent Potential A Creative Genius

Growth takes place when the next step forward is subjectively more delightful, more joyous,
more intrinsically satisfying than the previous gratification which we have become familiar
and even boredย – Abraham Maslow, 1999

I truly believe we are born geniuses, and everyone has the potential to become what he dreams about.

The inherent potential, the creative genius in everyone, seeks to express itself.

We Are Born With Inherent Potential A Creative Genius

The more we learn about manโ€™s natural tendencies, the easier it will be to tell him how to be good, how to be happy, how to be fruitful, how to respect himself, how to love, how to fulfill his highest potentialities โ€ฆ
The thing to do seems to be to find out what one is really like inside; deep
down, as a member of the human species and as a particular individual -Abraham Maslow, 1987

See also > URGENT Message! The Battle For YOUR Human DNA Is On! This HIDDEN Code Will UPGRADE You!ย 

You may be interested in the book below

The Secret to the Creative Genius-REVEALED!: Creating the new generation of genius

Bob Proctor – “A Marvelous Power”

Unfortunately, most of us are UNAWARE of our superpowers. We did not lose the Genius; it is still with us, and we only have to learn to harness it consciously.ย  Find out how to unlock your superpowers. Into Your Geniusโ„ขย is a Truly Groundbreaking
6-Week Audio Program by Mary Morrissey & Bob Proctor.

Click here to register for Maryโ€™s FREE Unlocking Your 6 Extraordinary Superpowers workshop.

When you were born, you did not know anything, you carried no information with you, no knowledge, but you carried consciousness, awareness, alertness; being you carried, not knowledge. A sage tries to become again a child. He tries to know that which cannot be learned, which is already within you: there is no need to go to any school to learn about it. In fact, you can learn other things only because that unlearned being is there already inside you. Thatโ€™s why you can learn other things.- Osho

What are your thoughts? Do you believe in the inherent potential, the creative genius?

Please let us know about your experience.