Do You Want To Build A Powerful Mindset?

A powerful mindset and a good attitude are the keys to a joyful and successful life.

In this guest post, Romil Rambhad gives you five tips and insights on how you can build a powerful mindset.

Thank you, Romil
Want to build a Powerful Mindset?
Your mindset comprises your beliefs, thoughts, emotions, assumptions, and attitudes. This includes not only […]

By |March 19th, 2022|10 Comments

The Chicken and the Eagle – A Story About Self Awareness

Do you realize you can be free and soar like an Eagle?
Many of us grew up with belief systems, unaware that we can use our minds to free ourselves and fly. Most people rather live in their comfort zone, like the chicken in this story. It needs effort and responsibility to use the freedom and fly.

In recent times many […]

By |March 17th, 2022|36 Comments

Have You Ever Thought of the News in this Particular Fashion?

Do you follow the news?
Do you let the news influence your life and your perception? Can you believe what they tell you?

Know that none of what they tell is really true and that they are owned and paid to only show what their owners want the people to know so they can be manipulated and […]

By |February 25th, 2022|4 Comments

Do You Blame Them or the Reflection?

Do you blame them ? Do you blame others?
Blaming is to give your power away if you take resposibility for your life you take the power back. Sigmund Freud said : “Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.”It is easier to blame and give […]

By |February 9th, 2022|7 Comments

Ways That Help To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Are you stuck in your comfort zone?

John Assaraf said: “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” Only if you stretch yourself out of it you can grow can you reach your dreams and be successful in life. In this guest post, Romil Rambhad will give you tips and tricks that […]

By |February 3rd, 2022|3 Comments