Are you stuck in your comfort zone?

John Assaraf said: “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.” Only if you stretch yourself out of it you can grow can you reach your dreams and be successful in life. In this guest post, Romil Rambhad will give you tips and tricks that help to get out of this safe-feeling place that holds you back.

Thank you, Romil

7 Ways to Step out of Your Comfort Zone

Many people will spend their entire lives there, never stepping outside to see what they could have or accomplish. However, there is a price to pay for leading such a life. While remaining in our bubble provides immediate rewards, we are foregoing the opportunity for much better opportunities in the future.

It’s called a “comfort zone” for a reason: it’s a place where a person feels safe and comfortable. Your comfort zone, on the other hand, might be a location of stagnation, preventing you from grasping growth opportunities just because they require something new.

comfort zone

Here are 7 ways to step out of your Comfort Zone:

1. Look for a compelling reason

If we do not provide a compelling reason to do so, stepping out of our comfort zone might be challenging. Take a moment to consider what it could be like to take that step. Allow yourself to become immersed in that image, concept, or thinking for long enough to generate strong momentum that propels you into creative action.

2. Rethink What It Means To Be Comfortable

The world is rapidly changing, and “comfort zones” are becoming less of an option. Fear and apprehension are common responses to change. How do you feel when you’re in your “comfort zone”? Safe? Secure? Maybe, but are you bored, inflexible, and stuck at the same time? What if your “safe haven” became your “failure zone” when nothing changed? See what happens if you change the concept of “comfort” to “growth, learning, or purpose.”

3. Justify Your Fears

Begin by recognizing the fear that causes you to feel uneasy, and then go through a short mental exercise to justify why you shouldn’t take this unpleasant and frightening next step. If the rationalization is valid, you may decide not to proceed. If the rationalization is entirely emotional, on the other hand, you may need to push through any discomfort.

4. Make it a habit to try new things daily

Your desire for the familiar is an attempt to keep you safe. Make it apparent that trying new things is risk-free, and you’ll gain confidence week after week. Start small and easy on yourself. Visit a different eatery. Invite a new acquaintance to coffee. Attend a networking function. Every Sunday, for example, try something different. Make it a habit. You’ll be surprised at how soon change becomes far less frightening.

5. Take a small step forward

Our minds have an inherent resistance to change. Your brain is tricked into taking action by thinking about the simplest step. Break down an objective into small chunks. One step at a time is what you should focus on. This strategy will increase your self-assurance, help you correlate a positive consequence with your objective, and encourage you to keep going until you get the desired result.

6. Develop a growth mindset

Accept the idea that you can figure it out, that you can make it happen, and that as soon as you take one small step toward your goal, all of the “unknowns” will start to appear. Develop the perspective that progress is more vital than comfort that learning is more important than familiarity, and that failure and effort are more important than not trying at all.

7. Stay Optimistic

As you seek to leave your comfort zone, you must ignore — or better yet, battle — unpleasant feelings that may prevent you from achieving your goal. While you should prepare yourself to face adversity, try to have a positive attitude and convince yourself that you can handle anything that comes your way. Consider adversity as a chance to learn how to push yourself outside your comfort zone.

The discomfort of going outside of our stagnant, unsatisfying, and familiar zone is far worse than the discomfort of expanding and trying new things. Don’t be afraid to lean into the discomfort because there is no other way to acquire what you desire in life unless you travel through the domain of discomfort.

It is difficult to begin before you are ready, but it is important if you want to change.

About the Author

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You can find his book here >THE 20 POWERFUL KEYS TO A BETTER LIFE


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See also Master The Art Of Self-discipline The Key To Success