How Good Are Your Critical Thinking Skills?

What does critical thinking mean?
Critical thinking skills are not about criticizing. Criticizing is often understood as “putting down” or “nagging.” And often, criticism is rejected.

But being critical does not mean “putting down”; it comes from the Greek kinesin = to distinguish, which is the starting point of questioning and analyzing. 

Daily, some screens flash around us […]

By |July 17th, 2023|10 Comments

Moronization Is Going On, But Do You Keep Thinking And Improving?

 Are you curious enough to ask questions and advance?
Are you aware of what is going on? It seems moronization already happens, and it is alarming.

The problem of today’s society begins with the fact that People no longer want to remember facts but are becoming increasingly lazy about learning new skills, asking questions, or deriving new […]

By |January 17th, 2023|14 Comments

Fearmongering – Who Is Behind it?

What makes people panic? Are you aware of this sinister game?
Who is behind the Corona fearmongering? For me, it is sometimes astounding to see people scared and believe everything that TV or mainstream media reports. Maybe it does not influence me because I never watch TV or read newspapers and only see people’s reactions?
For example, […]

By |September 1st, 2021|6 Comments