How Good Are Your Critical Thinking Skills?

What does critical thinking mean?
Critical thinking skills are not about criticizing. Criticizing is often understood as “putting down” or “nagging.” And often, criticism is rejected.

But being critical does not mean “putting down”; it comes from the Greek kinesin = to distinguish, which is the starting point of questioning and analyzing. 

Daily, some screens flash around us […]

By |July 17th, 2023|10 Comments

1 Analogy for Waking Up Your Sleeping Mind

An Analogy of waking up someone asleep.
Waking up someone by shaking his arm or tossing ice water on him is not a way that makes one think and see; instead, it will make him angry or scared. Waking up the mind to start to think and see the illusion does not work this way. Doing […]

By |May 8th, 2023|3 Comments

I love Conspiracy but not the Theory.

How do you perceive Conspiracy?
These days, we hear the word Conspiracy often, and in families and circles of friends, people use it against each other as a judgment.
But do they even know what the meaning of the word Conspiracy is? Or is everybody only repeating the slogans politics and the media bring up?
Do we realize […]

By |August 28th, 2021|4 Comments