Why Attempting to Validate Your Fears Increases Your Fears

Did you ever attempt to validate your fears?
If you try to validate your fears instead of facing and releasing them you can get into a vicious circle that repeats itself the more you think about it.  Meditation can help you to cope with your fears. Read How To Benefit From Meditation Against Fear

Our friend Ryan […]

By |August 27th, 2021|4 Comments

Every Problem Is Fear in Your Mind

Do you create your problems through fear in your mind?
If we analyze our problems, we always get to fear. Fear to do wrong, fail, hurt somebody, take risks, and so on. And all this we create in our mind.

“Fear is the Root of Your Problems. Every problem you or I have (and they are many, […]

By |May 30th, 2021|2 Comments

Fear – Did you Know You can Schedule Your Fear ?

What is Fear?
Can you schedule Fear? Fear is a function that should protect our lives in the early history of mankind.
However, in our civilized society, we cannot just run away or beat somebody when we are scared.
When we block this unconscious reflex it leads to tensions that can even affect our health.

The Stone Age pattern […]

By |June 12th, 2015|40 Comments