The Paper Boat – Be A Witness Of A Dream Come True

Satyananda Sarangi – a dream comes true
A few weeks ago I introduced Satyananda Sarangi here.
He should have his own blog and he promised to have one after his exams. Until then I wanted to let you be a witness, how he is getting closer to his dream. I know it is so good for him […]

By |September 25th, 2015|18 Comments

A Story – From Poor Boy to Dream Man

The Poor Boy to Dream Man Story

I know everybody loves stories; I am going to tell you the Story of a young man who thought he does not have a chance for a good life and did not dare to dream, but with a mind shift, he went for

Poor Boy to Dream Man.
He is the […]

By |May 1st, 2015|34 Comments