Humans Are Beings Not Robots

Do you act as a Human being?
Yes, Humans are beings and not Robots, or not yet. There are some crazy people and scientists that would like to change this. Do not let them. It is up to us to remember that we are human beings and can change our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions.
Stay in charge […]

By |December 10th, 2020|9 Comments

Things You Need To Know To Gain Confidence And Fulfill Your Desire

Here are some things you can do to gain confidence and fulfill your desire to create a successful life.

Self-confidence and Self – Improvement is very popular in our time. Many books and seminars are helpful for people to make decisions to improve their life.On the other hand, everywhere we hear slogans like mistakes, failure, becoming […]

By |February 11th, 2019|22 Comments

Can We All Be Healers?

We all can be healers
Sometimes we all can be healers, and it needs only a few words and loving attention.
I have been thinking that I wanted to write something and have a lot of stories in mind, but somehow, they do not fit in today
While doing the unpleasant work, I am looking for a sign […]

By |December 1st, 2013|10 Comments