Farmers Are Making Hay For Their Grass Fed Animals

Making Hay for the winter
The weather is nice and warm now; time for making hay for the grass-fed animals.

Grass-fed animals need hay in winter. Farmers have to go with the weather and find the right time to make hay.

After the grass is cut, it should not rain on it because the hay has to dry […]

By |July 3rd, 2014|22 Comments

RoundUp, GMO or Organic ?

Why GMO and not Organic?
My Organic farm got more and more surrounded by GMO fields.

The world is fighting against GMOs, but here where I live the GMO fields are getting more and more.

Not long ago near our farm here, trees and bushes got cut down to make space for big machinery, which is used for […]

By |May 23rd, 2014|22 Comments