Are you suffering, or are you living?

To live is to suffer?
Why are many people suffering? Every person has inner personality parts that serve survival and protection. They are protecting us from overwhelming feelings. They arise automatically and usually unnoticed in overwhelming, traumatic situations.

However, these parts often carry negative beliefs, like, “You have to be perfect!” or “You can’t do it!” So […]

By |January 15th, 2024|2 Comments

Do You Allow Yourself to Be Manipulated by Your Own Fears?

If you face your Fears nothing easily can manipulate you
Facing Fears and letting go of it, gives a clear vision. If we live fearless in the present we are able to avoid getting manipulated and we can look for solutions that help in difficult situations. We are more flexible and able to adapt to change. […]

By |April 11th, 2020|4 Comments