The Ancient Grain Millet Can Help To Prevent Diabetes

Millet helps to prevent diabetes
Traveling in India ,the 14th of November was World Diabetes Day.
I came over god Ganesha, he could be a Symbol for diabetes.

In the Indian culture god Ganesha, his small stature with a big belly is loved for his great fondness for sweets, feasts, and the leisurely lifestyle, from a medical view,
it would be […]

By |November 21st, 2014|21 Comments

Gluten free Millet A Ancient Grain Millet For Vegetarian

Gluten-free Millet for vegan and vegetarian

Vegetarians and vegans love millet because it is rich in fiber and helps with complex carbohydrates to meet the daily protein instead of animal sources. It fills the stomach and makes it satisfied. Cutting back on meat is good for
natural weight loss.

In India, it is used to make […]

By |October 8th, 2014|7 Comments