The Slogan Don’t Procrastinate – Has Procrastination Benefits?

Is Procrastination just a slogan? Or has Procrastination benefits?
Is Procrastination a problem for you?
Procrastination plagues many people in our society. There are many reasons for Procrastination. The reason may be that the task is difficult, not enjoyable, or causes you anxiety. It can often happen that you are unsure and don’t know what to do […]

By |December 28th, 2023|0 Comments

8 Practical Ways Help You To Live The Life You Want

Live The Life You Want
Romil Rambhad tells you how you can achieve to live the life you want in his guest post.

Romil Rambhad  is the author of  THE 20 POWERFUL KEYS TO A BETTER LIFE

In his book he states; “My aim is to reach people to live a pleasant and extraordinary life, creating inner peace, enthusiasm, and a life […]

By |March 5th, 2020|34 Comments

The Fascinating Power Of Blogging And Awesome Friends

The word “ The Power of Blogging” was created by my amazing friend  Sathish Arumugam.
He came up with the phrase power of blogging when we met in Coimbatore. Blogging is powerful in many ways not only for business and it is possible to work wherever there is an internet connection.
It is really fascinating how the […]

By |May 25th, 2018|22 Comments