Do You Treat Your Mind Like a Mansion or a Dump

How you treat your mind determines the quality of your life.
The mind is a mental muscle. People sometimes focus exclusively on training their bodies to be fit, muscular, and lithe. But the same people rarely if ever train their minds to be fit, strong, and flexible.

Treating your mind like an opulent mansion leads to a […]

By |November 24th, 2020|6 Comments

10 Actionable Steps to Overcome Negative Thinking And Be Successful in Life.

In this guest post, Chayan Chakrabarti shares his story with us. He also writes about his experiences and opinions and shares also steps to overcome negative thinking.  A challenge many have in our time and Chayan’s advice and story may help. Read below what he has to share with us.
When was the last time you […]

By |September 8th, 2019|14 Comments