Who is Pravakar Singh The 13 Years Old Ambitious Blogger?

Interview and story of Pravakar Singh
A week ago, I got a message with the request for an interview. It was Pravakar asking me. I told him that I am not into SEO and technics. He asked me if I have Anil Agrawal’s new book, and he said to me that he is 13 years old […]

By |November 8th, 2020|26 Comments

How a sense of urgency can help to focus on your goals

ADo you know about the sense of urgency?
Without a sense of urgency, again, another week has passed. What did you accomplish? And what is your next goal? Have you ever thought about your next most urgent challenge? What is your next goal?  
Do you regularly face challenges to progress? But how do you determine for yourself […]

By |September 16th, 2020|10 Comments

Do You Feel Beaten Down By Living In Survival Mode?

I am glad about this guest post by Ryan Biddulph. He is writing about a mode many people are into and it is often not a conscious choice. Read below what he writes about the survival mode.

Thank you, Ryan

Do You Feel Like a Survival Mode Zombie?
I felt like I was overwhelmed by zombies during a […]

By |July 25th, 2017|57 Comments

Successful Dreams – Do What You Love

The title of this post: “Successful Dreams are illustrations from the book
written by your soul,” is what Sazia Kazia chose for her post it tells us a bit about her feeling. Not everybody has successful dreams; it needs work, dedication, persistence, and love for what we do.

I want to introduce her here, and we will […]

By |July 2nd, 2016|56 Comments