Not Happy? How To Activate Your Happiness Hormones

Do you like to learn how to Activate your Happiness Hormones?
What are happiness, hormones, and how to activate them? If you are sometimes unhappy or depressed, it is good to know how you can activate them.


Chocolate makes you happy. Almost every person with a sweet tooth has already used this argument. But why does chocolate […]

By |January 23rd, 2020|8 Comments

Shift To Happiness? What Shift Makes You Happy?

 Does listening to your divine guidance help you with shifting to happiness?
Another guest post of our friend Ryan Biddulph. He made the experience that listening to our intuition our divine guidance brings blissfulness. You can overcome fear easily in this state of being. See what he tells us about shifting to happiness and letting go […]

By |January 1st, 2020|8 Comments