Finding Truth: How to Navigate a World of Deception and Manipulation

Finding Truth in a World of Deception
By telling the truth, one becomes unpopular and rejected at times. I often experienced it because I am a truth-teller. Sometimes, it is as uncomfortable for some people as it is for the truth-teller. 

Lying or not telling the truth to avoid hurting someone or to hide a reality is […]

By |November 18th, 2023|2 Comments

What Noise Do You Need to Cancel

Do you need to cancel noise that is disturbing your life?
Is there noise you need to cancel to keep calm? Do you listen to noises that influence your vibes? I think these days it is for many difficult not to be affected. Especially if you watch TV it seems to me. I do not have […]

By |November 18th, 2020|5 Comments