6 Effective Ways To Cope With Big Changes

Are you afraid to cope with the big changes that may come?
The world is changing, and we live in a time of change; it is on us to create the future. And hopefully, we can create a peaceful and joyful future. My Friend and colleague Romil gives you helpful advice that is needed right now. […]

By |February 14th, 2023|19 Comments

Being A Misfit And The Story Of An Elephant

Being A Misfit And The Story Of An Elephant
Updated Aug.27. 2023

Last week our friend Philip V.Ariel posted this video of a mad Elephant on Facebook.


It was a Temple Elephant who started to damage whatever machine he saw on his way, and nobody could stop him. This reminded me of a story my friend Mary Morrissey told, […]

By |November 18th, 2021|76 Comments