How Meditation And Mindful Exercises Can Help With Stress And Anxiety.

Meditation and yoga can help us to become Solutionary.
In these crisis times, Meditation and mindful exercises can strengthen us. COVID-19 makes us all humble and forces us to understand and, if necessary, to repent. To surrender to what we need and to let go of all fears that held us. Because crises like this make […]

By |March 9th, 2021|22 Comments

Why Can Sitting Too Long Make You Miserable?

Sitting too long kills, we hear often, but why?
Everybody knows that sitting too long time makes us sick. But not many stand up and do something about it. Are you one of these?
Prolonged sitting can make you sick and even depressed. Especially in our crisis time right now, there is a lot of anxiety and […]

By |November 24th, 2020|16 Comments

A View On Yoga And Meditation – For A Better Living

A View On Yoga and  Meditation for a better living
Yoga and Meditation are among a few proven practices that can help many people to have a more peaceful and content life. I am grateful to live in a tranquil place, but I can sense the energy difference when I get near a city and imagine […]

By |June 25th, 2018|50 Comments