How to raise your energy frequency with praise
As I did write in my last post, gratitude and love are the highest forms of vibration, and Praise also brings us high frequency.
I wanted to write about Praise today, which is one way to keep ourselves and others in high vibration.
In our time, Praise is rare. Even when we grew up, we have been rather criticized than praised.
At home, in school, and at the workplace. If we read books about the past, praising someone other than God seems even frowned upon. Are we not part of God?
If you want the law of vibration to work in your favor and raise your energy frequency, it is best to emit good Energy to your environment.
We are all spiritual beings having a human experience.
And this is why many have difficulty loving and accepting themselves because they have always been made feel guilty. Kids and young people received more punishment than Praise.
Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about,
need only a bit of praise or encouragement – and we will make the goal.
Robert Collier
But how uplifting is Praise, for the one who gets it and the one who gives it alike?
If we praise somebody and we are sincere and really do it from the heart, the law of vibration comes in and brings us in a high frequency.
Praise a kid for something he did well, and it will improve.
Even criticize somebody, but together with a word of Praise and he will improve.
Sandwich every bit of criticism between two layers of Praise. – Mary Kay Ash
Praise can inspire self-confidence, make you more confident, or make you just happy.
It provides guidance and strength for the next step. Anyone who gets Praise will gain new Energy for his duties. A word of Praise is a signal that we are on the right path.
It provides guidance and strength for the next step.
Praise somebody for good work and he will get more ambitious and will do his best and improve.
Praise is a very powerful form of communication; we can use the opportunity to praise and do miracles.

Even animals respond to praise beautifully; a dog trainer trains dogs using Praise. With Praise, he does excellent work.
Sometimes, it can make one uncomfortable when we praise someone who thinks he does not deserve it. But we can change this if it comes from the heart. Usually, these are limiting beliefs the person has about himself.
Some people have never learned to deal with Praise and are embarrassed to be praised, and they are in such situations uncertain.
Praise and recognition are gifts, do not reject them. Allow yourself to be happy about it. Your joy and your happiness are an acknowledgment for those who give Praise. It is a win-win.
You can change People in a bad mood. Even sometimes, a little smile and a good word help to uplift them.
Negative vibration can make you even sick.
And this reminds me of a story I read years ago in a book by Osho.
He was in university and discussed it with his professor. He said we could make somebody sick with negativity and destructive vibrations.
The professor did not believe it, and he wanted to prove it. After a few days, he had all the people around the professor instructed to tell him, on a certain day, that he looks like he does not feel good.
When he went to breakfast one morning, his wife asked him: “Do you feel not good? You look tired”.
The Car driver said the same, and he began to feel strange. At the university, the office personnel asked him the same, and he started feeling worse. At lunch, some of his colleagues said: “You look sick today,” In the afternoon, he felt so bad that he called his doctor.
And this was when they stopped the game and told him the truth.
It proved that negativity and bad vibrations could make you think wrong, feel bad, and sick.
Negative attracts negative we feel uncomfortable. Now think of someone in bad condition, and you talk discouragingly and negatively; he will get even worse, but give this person uplifting words, and he will feel better.
Let’s Praise and uplift each other.
So let us Praise and uplift each other, let’s maintain high vibrations, and attract more good in our life.
Praise is a powerful people-builder. Catch individuals doing something right.- Brian Tracey
So, to praise others for their virtues can but encourage one’s own efforts.-Nagarjuna
We are motivated by a keen desire for Praise, and the better a man is, the more he is inspired by glory. – Marcus Tullius Cicero
Virtues are acquired through endeavor, Which rests wholly upon yourself. So, to praise others for their virtues can but encourage one’s own efforts. – Thomas Paine
The best is all these good things are free, a gift of the universe, God. We only have to use it.
Let’s be grateful, kind, loving, and give Praise. It will return.
This is what happiness looks like in the body. . . 🙂
Molecules of the protein myosin drag a ball of endorphins along an active filament into the
inner part of the brain’s parietal cortex, which produces feelings of happiness.
source: Power of Positivity
Hey Erika,
I am needed this type of post to get knowledge and tips to gain energy and stay fit.
Thanks for sharing this individual post.
Ankit recently posted…7 Best Media Player For Windows OS User
Hi Ankit
nice to see you here.
I am happy you liked the post 🙂
who does not want praise 🙂
I visited your blog and missed you there.
Such a nice blog should have your name and picture on it.
People like to know who does do the good work 🙂
Thank you for your visit 🙂
Hi Erika,
I 100% agree with you! Praise is such a wonderful way to raise our energy frequency, especially our positive energy! Thanks for sharing such an awesome post 🙂 Great tips!
Joan Harrington recently posted…Do You Struggle To Make Sales Consistently?
Hi Joan ,
Who does not feel better and happy if he hears praise, especially if it comes from the heart?
Let’s remember and praise each other to stay in good energy .
Thank you for you nice comment.
I wish you and your family a Happy Holiday Time.
Continue your good work
Hello Erika,
I loved this post my friend and your story about how our minds can make us sick. WOW, Crazy how our minds work.
Praise can make Us Happy & Healthy!!
Thank YOU for sharing..
I will be sure to spread this message
Wishing you and yours a Blessed Holiday Season
Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted…Conquering Your Fears With A Positive Mindset
Hi Chery,
Praise makes us healthy and happy and your smileys you sent out
help with this as well:)
We can see if we are around negative people how much it affects our mood
and we really can feel down, this show it is a truth.
So keep sending your smiles around,it brings all in good frequency.
I too wish you a happy holiday time.
God bless you and keep smiling 🙂
Hi Erika,
I think praise is one of those things that we can truly say, the more you give it away, the more it comes back to you.
People always respond better to praise than to criticism. They perform better at work, or in sports or school.. anything really.
You’ve broken down all the benefits of praise here, and it will certainly be a reminder to me next time I think to be critical of someone. Thanks, my friend, for the sticky note to put on my brain :))
Donna Merrill recently posted…Have You Reached Your 2015 Goals?
Hi Donna,
You are right, praise comes back,whoever is praised likes to give it back or
continues at least for a little while one will be in Praise mode 🙂
We can make praise days and see how it works:)
I am glad if you could get a sticky note from me,Donna 🙂
Thank you for the comment and thank you for writing always
awesome authority posts,so we can learn something 🙂
I wish you and David a happy holiday time
Hi Erika,
It is sad indeed that as you say “In our time praise is rare even when we grew up we have been rather criticized than praised”
I learned this while working in many jobs. Very rare to be praised, even though it was warranted.
I loved the Mary Kay quote. She was a master at motivation. She would very skillfully tell you where you went wrong but first paid you a compliment and after letting you know the problem praised you so highly that were eager to deal with her complaint. I read her book and worked as a Mary Kay consultant until her death.
I did check out Doggy Dan and he has a wonderful program thru clickbank of training dogs with praise.
We all do well with any training with praise. Thanks for your article you are such a caring writer – my praise for you.
Kathryn Maclean recently posted…Happy Christmas Merry Birthday
Hi Kathryn,
I heard about Mary Kay ,this is why she was so successful,she did praise and
motivate, this is a prove that it works. As you say praise is rare and I think
this would better change. People would be much more productive.
Yes,I promote Doggy Dan for a while now,I saw his videos and he writes
about praising the dogs. It is visible in the videos how good it works.
Who does not like praise 🙂 Thank you for your praise and thank you for
your beautiful comment 🙂
Happy Holidays to you and your family
, This is a Quality article, i appreciate the time spent for making this article to come LIVE!
Hi Salman,
thank you for your visit.
I am glad you liked the article.
Hey Erika,
I agree praise can lift anyone’s spirits. Years ago while I was doing a self-development challenge – one of the exercises was to find something wonderful in everyone I spoke to. It gave examples of people in the work place that you tolerated and may struggle to find something at first. So I took this challenge on. There were some tough people to find one thing I liked in them, well at first. But I tell you looking for something wonderful in other became a turning point, a buzz and I got better at it.
I went from enjoying things that really stood out to seeing things that were over looked by others. Sometimes I would share immediately other times I would wait until the time was right. I could not believe how people responded when I shared something that I genuinely enjoyed in them. Some loved it, embraced it. Others would go red faced or become shocked. There were others who rejected it, but I got to learn how to work past that.
Anyone that works with animals and uses praise as their teaching tools deserves a mention. Great work Erika. I also love the picture of what happens in the brain. It looks like a big gaint has been created by praise and is carry the world like a boss. Great read.
Hi Rachel ,
this is a great story and life experience.
I am sure this changed a lot for you and your life
to find out about this. Is it not interesting to see
some people think they do not deserve praise? What
must have made them feel this way. Good you learned
to work past this 🙂
Thank you for your story.
Yes,I liked this Doggy Dan for the way he works
with his dogs, he needs a praise as well 🙂
Is it not interesting what a whole amazing world is
going on in our body,it is a universe itself.
The microcosmos like the macro cosmos 🙂
Thank you for your great comment and story
Hi Erika,
Great post. It is true that praise and positive will uplift anyone, even if they are in a negative mood to begin with. Just as the story above, people convinced the man he didn’t feel well just by planting that thought in his mind.
Thanks again for sharing this great message. Have a great New Year.
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted…Sharing Keyword Research Results
Hi Monna,
Yes, our surrounding can make us feel miserable and sick,
but also, sometimes a little smile or praise can make us thrive.
It is good to be with people who uplift and we better never hold
back with praise, it encourages and can do wonder.
I am happy you liked the post
Thank you
People always appreciate having positive feedback for what they’re doing, and who they are.
Praise is about a good a way as you can find to give them that reassurance and help them increase their sense of self worth.
We hear so much negativity between people, this is a really inspiring idea, Erika.
Thanks for sharing it.
David Merrill 101 recently posted…A Big Email List Can Have Small Results
Hi David,
you are right,there is too much negativity between people
and if we give sometimes a little bit praise it does
change hopefully. I am a big believer in good words
and positivity and had always good experiences with it.
It helps if we look for the good in others.
Thank you