Indian ways of discovering the inner self 
There is a lot of energy that the universe has given every human being. But we do not use it fully and often we are acquiring more negative feelings than positive ones.
We all are mentally trained to put on a special mask when dealing with other people and we have a totally different mask to cover our actual inner self, which all of us hide and usually not show to the world. In an attempt to hide our true self, we tend to forget what our real self really is.
This inner self is our real sense of identity and if we lose it, means, we have lost ourselves. This loss is usually a result of negative attributes that we have adapted over time and conditioning. Because of this, we need to uncover and find this inner self again and free it.
Our outer and inner self
Another thing that haunts most of us all the time is the thinking of our future. That is the fear of what will happen tomorrow? This grows aggressiveness and compulsiveness and when it shows up it may be at the cost of relationships and happiness of others.
No matter what happens, our inner and outer selves are interlinked. What we experience in the outer world affects our perspective, actions, and vice-versa. Religion is another thing that takes us away from reality. It defines the norms of life and demarcates everything with the attitude of sinful and virtuous deeds.
We have to reach out to our hidden selves, we have got to beat all these obstacles and think about new ways of life. Looking inside our selves helps us in rejecting this confusion and see things more clearly. People who find themselves are extra calm, meditative, and quiet people and do not face such problems of confusion or mistrust. They understand the methods of life and act accordingly.
Indian ways of discovering the inner self
In India, from the time of Vedas, there have been many methods that are used to heal and discover our inner selves.
Ayurveda is one such ancient practice of healing of the self. It believes that the meals we eat have an effect on the well-being of a person. The recipes which are prepared by using herbs have medicinal properties to cure many illnesses and vitalize the energy of a person.
Each one of us has self-healing energy inside that can be enhanced by a correct diet. The ways of Ayurveda relaxes the mind and body of an individual so he can focus on the inside.
See also 3 Reasons To Meditate In This Crisis Time
Meditation is another way that helps to bridge the gap between the physicality and universality of a human being. It helps him to explore and uncover his real self that has been lost in the rat race of the world. Also, it is a natural way of healing that does not use any medicines and rejuvenates energy. It also calms the mind and body. It improves concentration and helps a person to focus on life.
See also A View On Yoga And Meditation – For A Better Living
Yoga is also a way of discovering the self and in addition, redeems the self from the distractions of the outer world. Also, this method makes use of breathing exercises that also helps to get in touch with the inner self.
Yoga is a way of living.
See here What Is Hatha Yoga? And Why Is It Getting More Popular?
Today these ancient teachings are available to all of us and have ways to help us to discover our inner self. Inner Engineering is one of them it also helps to empower yourself so you can create your life the way you like it.
See also A View On Yoga And Meditation – For A Better Living
Inner Engineering
Read what Sadhguru one of the most famous teachers and mystic of our time has to say: ” As we have physical science to create external well-being there is a whole inner dimension of science to create inner well-being. I call it Inner Engineering.”
“Self-realization means just knowing your Self. I am asking you, how can you live an effective life without knowing anything about yourself? “
Read > How Do You Get To Know Yourself Fully?
The Self – Personality or Basis of Creation?
This post is an updated version
The best and easiest way to start with self-realization is Meditation. To help you get started see this post > How To Start Meditation – A Beginner’s Guide you will find a free Zen12 meditation MP3 that will make it easier. for you.
See also why it is so important to evolve spiritually Something to think about
Hi Erika,
I really enjoy reading your posts. I am learning a lot from you about the mind and body and its overall affect on us.
Keep sharing the good stuff.
Have a great day, Monna
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted…The First New Day to Your Exceptional Life
Thank you ,Monna
I am still learning as well and will keep
writing about ,I am happy you enjoy it .:)
Interesting article, but I have to say, one can connect with their inner self by just sitting in silence. We all have the ability to do this and you don’t have to go to a formal meditation or yoga class… excellent discussion
Lesly Federici recently posted…Shine The Light On You
Thank you ,Lesly
Not everybody is able to connect by just sitting,
many people do not really know about the inner self and need help to discover it .
Why not try different ways if available ?Always something to learn .:)
Love the post Erika! I always learn something new when I visit your site! 🙂
Nate Leung recently posted…How to Make Stress Your Best Friend
Thank you Nate,
I learn something on your sites as well .
I am happy you like it 🙂
Wow, this is really deep. Very interesting suggestion for introspection. Great post… loved it.
Thank you Down ,
I am happy you find value in it .
thanks for the comment 🙂
Hi Erika, SO happy to have found your site. I love this post. As an Aromatherapist I understand the importance of this practice. I use my oils daily for many things, stress relief being one of them. Thank you for an interesting post. I will be back to learn.
Dana recently posted…Oh My Word!~A Word for 2014
Thank you Dana,
I have a friend she uses the oils for hot stone massage and its like heaven.
You have a nice site ,I like it 🙂
Hi Erika,
yes, we can learn a lot from the teachings of the ‘eastern cultures’ and the innner self has very much been ignored in the western traditions until recently.
One of the teachings about the Inner Being I really like are ‘The Teachings of Abraham’ by Abraham-Hicks (Esther Hicks)
Thank you so much for sharing this very inspiring post!
Love and Light
Yorinda Wanner recently posted…Feeling of Success when we keep a Promise to ourselves
Hi Yorinda ,
yes ,I like the teachings by Abraham as well.
I think people getting more interested in this ,
which is good and needed .
Thank you for your comment
Love and Light
Erika 🙂
As a former Professor of Health and Physical Education, I used to teach yoga and meditation. In my quest for self-healing and self-awareness, I received sessions in and trained in many different body therapy modalities and I studied many different healing methods, including Ayurveda. Yet even though I know so much about this and have practiced for decades, I have not been as consistent as I would like and my body is so much less flexible than I know it can be. So I am now determined to get back into my practice of yoga and meditation. Your articles and posts always remind me to return to healthy eating and healthy exercise – not just aerobic but also meditative.
Dr. Erica
Dr. Erica Goodstone recently posted…Do You Know Your Love Map?
Hi Dr.Erica,
Good ,I could remind you to do the good things .
In my opinion and experience aerobic alone does not make
flexible ,it needs to be more mindful exercise. I realized
the breathing and slow movements with the right music and rhythm
helps very much to make the muscles more flexible because even the
oldest in my group is doing great when we do the mindful exercise
and all have a good feeling after and never miss a session of it .
Thank you for the visit