About Erika Mohssen-Beyk

Hi, my name is Erika Mohssen-Beyk. I am German, Iranian, and now Canadian a Citizen of the World, :) I owned an off-grid organic farm which I just sold to the next generation of mindful farmers. I love nature and I am interested in health, fitness, and natural healing. I love to travel and I am a Certified Dream Builder Coach.

The Slogan Don’t Procrastinate – Has Procrastination Benefits?

Is Procrastination just a slogan? Or has Procrastination benefits?
Is Procrastination a problem for you?
Procrastination plagues many people in our society. There are many reasons for Procrastination. The reason may be that the task is difficult, not enjoyable, or causes you anxiety. It can often happen that you are unsure and don’t know what to do […]

By |December 28th, 2023|0 Comments

Persistence – A Poem About A Water Spring And Rock

The story of the little water spring and a rock
Here, I want to talk about the interpretation of another poem from the Iranian poet Mohammad-Taqi Bahar called “King of the Poets.” it is a powerful story about persistence.
I learned it at the same time as the Toil and Treasure, but I forgot the words of the […]

By |December 17th, 2023|15 Comments

Is the Slogan “Think Positive” Overhyped as a Solution?

Is the Slogan “Think Positive” hyped up?
Who has not heard the slogan Think Positive?

Slogans are everywhere, and they influence you.

Slogans like struggle, difficulties, pain, depression, procrastination, failure, mistakes, anxiety, stress, think positive, millionaire mindset, and…They also make you believe that you must be a Millionaire = another slogan, to be happy and prosperous.

What is a […]

By |November 28th, 2023|6 Comments

Finding Truth: How to Navigate a World of Deception and Manipulation

Finding Truth in a World of Deception
By telling the truth, one becomes unpopular and rejected at times. I often experienced it because I am a truth-teller. Sometimes, it is as uncomfortable for some people as it is for the truth-teller. 

Lying or not telling the truth to avoid hurting someone or to hide a reality is […]

By |November 18th, 2023|2 Comments

Time to Discover Your True Self and Help to Create a Better World

What kind of people must we be to create a promising future?
We will need courageous people who know their True Self.  Finding the courage to become your True Self is a liberating process.

Have courage. Bring yourself back to yourself. – Yogi Bhajan 

We live in truly turbulent times. Large and small changes are the order of the day for everyone. […]

By |October 17th, 2023|2 Comments