About Erika Mohssen-Beyk

Hi, my name is Erika Mohssen-Beyk. I am German, Iranian, and now Canadian a Citizen of the World, :) I owned an off-grid organic farm which I just sold to the next generation of mindful farmers. I love nature and I am interested in health, fitness, and natural healing. I love to travel and I am a Certified Dream Builder Coach.

Do You Know What Your 2 Most Valuable Assets Are?

Do You Know What Your 2 Biggest Assets Are?
What are your 2 biggest assets?  In this guest post, Romil Rambhad will tell you about the most valuable assets you own in life. See, if you are aware of them?  Learn to use them to your benefit.

Thank you, Romil


Your 2 Biggest Assets
We usually associate the term […]

By |September 29th, 2022|2 Comments

A Donkey Story – What Can We Learn From The Wisdom Of A Donkey?

What can we learn from a wise Donkey?
A wise Donkey, you may ask? 

Most people think Donkeys are stupid and stubborn and underestimate them. But this is far from reality. The long-eared animals are intelligent and attentive. 

Although their movements are slow and they never seem to be in a hurry, they show intelligence and can solve even […]

By |September 4th, 2022|3 Comments

Role Models – Do You Want to Play a Role or be Authentic?

Do you have Role Models? What do you do with it?
We know numerous great personalities from history who amaze us with their accomplishments. We may consciously or unconsciously orient ourselves to them because they are good examples.
They can inspire, give ideas, and push us higher, even if we have never met them.

They show us that […]

By |July 29th, 2022|6 Comments

The Dandelion Story – Creative Visualization And Imagination Skills?

How my Grandkids learned creative visualization and trained their imagination.
We created the Dandelion Story.
When my grandkids were little, we always went for a walk in summer in the meadow and around the pond. They liked the flowers and butterflies and noticed the bees and the frog.

Creative visualization and imagination are essential skills.
In winter, I often […]

By |June 11th, 2022|14 Comments

Why Investments In Your Well-being Bring The Best Interest

How you can invest in your well-being and why it is important
When you hear the word “investments,” your first thought may be of stocks, funds, and real estate. Associating your wellness with it may sound strange at first.

Like many, you would like to live a dream life and hope to one day be financially secure […]

By |April 19th, 2022|13 Comments