If you love what you do, then you can, doesn’t matter how hard is it.
This is the quote and the story of a young man with a Blogger Dream. His Name is Hemant Arya and has like many a Blogger Dream. He eager to work hard to make it come true. As we can read in his story, he is very ambitious and even had a success with one of his blog posts. Hemant loves what he is doing and we know if we do what we love success will follow.
Most of my readers know that I love people with dreams and like to support them. I had some Stories of Dreamers before here on my blog and with our good intention and blessing they are on the way to the dream and many had success. Here are some of the stories:
From Poor Boy to Dream Man. the poor boy is in between a Dream Dad and well on his way to the big dream.
The Magician Parastu, The Paper Boat – Be A Witness Of A Dream Come True, Satyananda’s story, our poet, he is featured in many books and magazines. Good intention helps – Dreamer Vashishtha Kapoor, Vashishtha is well on his way with his blog
Read Hema’s Story >Hema’s Journey a story of self-awareness.
Flow Like A River Towards Your Dream, Debarpan did flow away into his dream 🙂
Successful Dreams – Do What You Love, Sazia realised one of her dreams.
Why You Better Don’t Make Quitting An Option – Never Give Up, Robin Khohar also is on the way to success and has a successful blog writing helpful articles for his audience.
How To Go Through Tough Times But Never Give Up, Sam Adeyinka truly never gives up 🙂
Let us give Hemant our good intention and blessing. It is proven and it works. There are many with a Blogger Dream. Some are coming true, like Muhammad Ahmad one of the youngest bloggers, he has the blessing of the blogger community and just published his first book. See it here >The best and the simplest SEO guide to follow 2017
Read Hemant Arya’s story below

Hemant Arya
If you love then you can do doesn’t matter how hard is it.
Hi, I am Hemant Kumar founder of LetsTrick. I write about Blogging, SEO, earn money online and social media tips and tricks. Blogging is what I live for.
About Myself-
I am a 19-year-old boy. I am doing my graduation in computer science field. When I was a kid, I had to dream that one day I will create a website like these all websites on Internet. At that time I didn’t know that we can earn money with a site, so I just created one with a subdomain Weebly and started copying contents from others site. Then I came to know that I can earn with my website.
I was nobody around me who can teach me how I can build website except Google and YouTube. SO I had started Goggling when every time I got any question on my mind. I read about blogging on Google every day, and from there I have learned how to earn money online.
But here comes the biggest problem of Money. I don’t have enough money for my internet pack, and I have not told my parents about my dream. So I used to collect money, and then I pay my internet bills, I still remember that I usually bought the smallest internet plan on earth.
Then I have bought my first domain name teenSubway from GoDaddy from my dad’s account. I didn’t tell them about this, and I told them this I have recharged my phone. Then I have started blogging seriously, and I have installed WordPress on this domain But after some time WordPress told me that your bandwidth limit exceeds. They wanted me to spend some bucks on my plan and unfortunately, I was not in that condition to buy that plan. So I have decided to quit that blog, that means my all blog posts are no longer live. I have not taken any backup till so all my hard work goes in dustbin overnight.
This situation can’t stop me.
But this situation can’t stop me. I have bought another blog and this is LetsTrick.com. But this time I have already learned how to do these kinds of stuff. So this time it didn’t take much time to setup this blog. And I’m not talking about a long time ago I am speaking about 10 months ago because my LetsTrick.com is only 8 months old, it will cross one year on March 2017.
So this time I have not installed my blog on WordPress. I used Blogger and still using blogger because blogger doesn’t want us to buy anything. I haven’t spent even a single dollar on my blog till now. Wanting to move my site to WordPress, but still, that money problem comes. So I think I have to continue with blogger till I don’t earn much to pay.
I haven’t earned any dollar till now, I have earned 6$ wit Adsense, but Adsense doesn’t allow us to withdrawal money till we make it 100$.
I have started getting 2000-2500 pageviews per day because few of my post is ranking on the first page of Google. The most remarkable thing happened to me in my blogging career is that I have got the first position on Google.
My post “Rank on the First Page of Google- The Ultimate Guide [InfoGraphic]” ranks in the first position of Google. This post has given me 20,000 page views.
But due to my studies, I can’t give proper time to my blog. That’s why my rankings dropped down insanely. But there is hope in my heart that one day I’ll earn from it.
What will I do If I got 500$ from my site?
I’ll give them to my mum and tell them that this is my first ever earnings and then I’ll spend them on poor kids who don’t even have money to eat food. Yes, I’m talking about the poor and beggars. Whenever I see them, they make me stronger and gives me more energy to blog so that I can earn quickly for them.
I also want to spend my earning on my mum and dad. I want to buy two tickets of airplane for my mum and dad and tell them that have some time together J If you are a blogger then I deeply want to check out my latest post ” How to Rank on the first page of Google” Please, tell me how’s I’m doing. Comment there and add in comment that you have read my story here so that I can thank you from the bottom of my heart J
That’s all that I want from my Life and my blog J
I hope I have not made you bored?
Am I right?
Lol thanks for your precious time 😉
This is the story and the Blogger Dream. He has a good dream which is also about giving, which is important. It is sure not a final dream because if we reach one, we go to the next. This is how it works we always grow. Do not forget, we do only need to know the “why” of our dream, the “how” is the work of the universe. Do not expect it going your way, you may miss out on the sign of the universe for your next step. We always need to be aware of this signs and take action steps. If it is for the dream life and we love what we do, even hard work seems to be easy.
Remeber: “Go as far as you can see; when you get there you’ll be able to see farther”.Thomas Carlyle
“God would not have put a dream in your heart if He hadn’t already given you everything you need to fulfil it” Joel Osteen
I hope you like Hemant’s Story and give good intention and blessings for his dream.
Do you have a Dream? Maybe a Blogger Dream? Maybe you are already a seasoned Blogger?
What would you suggest to Hemant to help him to make his dream come true ?
Hey Erika mam,
Thank you so much for having me on your awesome blog. Its completely my honor to be published on your blog. You are the kindest person I have ever met in my blogging carrier.
Thanks for being their with be whenever I need your help.
Thans a lot 🙂
Love Ya 😉
You are welcome Hemant,
as you see, Ravi said we need bloggers who are ambitious like you.
Keep moving and make it happen.
Hey Erika and Hemant,
It’s good to see another young blogger who is ready to skyrocket his dreams. I like the way Heman has put this all up with the intention of helping others.
This blogosphere really needs the bloggers like him.
I am sure he is going to achieve his blogging dreams.
Thanks for letting us know about him.
Hi Ravi,
Yes, I like his ambition as well and hope he will be getting to the dream he has soon.
It will give him confidence and keep him going.
A pleasure for us to have a blogger like him, as you said, in the blogosphere.
Let’s give him our blessing.
Thank you for your kind comment
And again Thank you soooo much Erika mam for your kind words 🙂
You are the kindest person I have ever met in my life,
And I am fully confident that your blessing will help me a lot 🙂
Thanks for being there with me every time I need you!
Love Ya 🙂
You are welcome Hemant,
You see you have already the blessings of two awesome bloggers.
Show what you are capable of and make it happen.
Looking forward to your dream come true 🙂
Hey Ravi Sir,
Thank you so much for your comment and precious time 🙂
And yeah thanks a lot for your kind words too.
It’s my pleasure to talk to you.
I have checked your blog ‘BloggingLove’ it’s really amazing and I’m fan of your hard work,
You are awesome 😀
Its all your support and blessing which boosts my confidence and motivate me for my blog.
Once again Thank you so much Sir.
Have a nice day 🙂
Hi Hemant and Erika Ma’am,
Working on dreams is something that feels very awesome. Life is very simple, set goals, achieve them and live the way you like <3
Thanks for the kind mention 🙂
Love from Pakistan,
– Ahmad
P.S. Have a look at my latest blog post @ Meet Ahmad [dot] com, would love to see your views there.
It feels awesome if you do it with love and ambition.
You are right, Ahmad. Life will not always be simple,
but if you have a dream and goals which you can reach with
success, it is like you said awesome. I am sure
you are happy and proud of the book you created.
Keep doing great work and thank you for the love from Pakistan.
Love back to you and all the best 🙂
Hey Muhammad Sir,
I have seen your blog ‘Meetahmad’ and I loved it 🙂
You are really doing really great job and you inspires a lot more newbie bloggers like me to blog 🙂
Thanks for your time and comment 🙂
Have a great day!
Hi Hermant and Erika
I must commend you Erika for sharing this inspiration. It is great to know that Hermant is pursuing his dreams and he is definitely going to rock with his determination. It is not how much you fail that matters but staying firm till one succeeds is what matters. Thumb up Hemant
Thank you so much for this post. Take Care
Hi Ikechi,
I thought you would like Hermant’s story.
Let’s wish him well for his dream.
I am sure he will feel blessed by your comment
Thank you
Hey ikechi,
Thanks for your complements and with your blessing I’ll definelty rock 🙂
Have a nice day!
Hi Hemant,
Wonderful article and very inspiring.
I know you will make the most of your wonderful new blog, and I look forward to hearing a lot more from you.
Thanks for hosting this guest post, Erika.
I’m sure many people will benefit from it.
Hi Donna,
I think as well that Hermant’s story will inspire
many. It is not always easy and he did stay with his
dream and will continue.
Thank you for your encouraging comment
Hey Donna mam,
Thank you so much for your blessing,
You are my inspiration 🙂
Have a nice day
Hi Hemant,
You really are an inspiration to all of us.
So many people give up when they don’t have the money or when they lose everything they had already created.
But you just stepped up, dusted yourself off, and started all over again with your new blog.
Thank you Erika for sharing Hemant’s story so that all of us can not only be inspired but also help to encourage him
to keep going. You CAN earn that $500 once your blog becomes popular because of ads and connections with others.
Just keep studying about what works and what doesn’t work and keep connecting like this.
I wish you wonderful success. Your dreams and intentions are beautiful.
Dr. Erica
Thank you for your encouraging words, Erica
I am sure this will make him even more enthusiastic
to have the blessing of all of us.
Hey Erica mam,
Thank you so much for your kind words and blessings.
Ya we can earn once our blog becomes popular.
Thanks a ton for your advices mam.
I’ll surely study about what works and what doesn’t.
Thank you once again 🙂
Have a nice life!
Hello Hemant,
I agree with all the points about hard work listed about. Indeed hard work with dedication will make us passionate and keep us moving.
It is really inspirational post.
Hi Osho,
thank you for your visit.
I am glad Hemant’s post inspired you.
Hey Osho,
Thanks for commenting here and reading my story.
And yeah I totally agree with your hard work is all which every blogger should do.
Thanks again for your time 🙂
Working hard it a key component of anything, but doing it with passion makes all the difference.
The points you made here really resonated with me!
Thank you!
Hi Matt,
I am glad you liked the post 🙂
You are right passion is needed to make a difference.
Thank you for your comment
Get Matt Sir,
Thanks for your comment.
And yup working hard with full of our passion puts that fifth star on it.
Thanks for your precious time 🙂
Hello Erika! It was so wonderful to meet Hermant here today! He sounds like a very ambitious young man! You are so awesome to share his story with us.. Thank You Chery :))
You are welcome, Chery
It is a pleasure to see the ambitious young people like Hemant
go for a dream. Even he had not a very good experience, he started
over and is still enthusiastic. Let’s give him our good wishes.
Thank you for your comment
Hey Chery Mam,
Thank you so much for your awesome kind words.
People like you boosts me up for my blogging life.
You are awesome 😉
Thanks for being such an awesome person.
Have a great life!
Hey Erika,
It is really very interesting post and mostly I liked the story of Hemant and it will very helpful to inspire many more people. Blogging is really totally about writing and it helps us to meet our dreams. Many people have their dream to express themself with the help of words. So, it’s is great opportunity to live with our dream and make it successful for forever with the help of blogging. Eventually, thanks for sharing your worthy thought with us.
With best regards,
Amar kumar
Hey Amar Sir,
Yeah I liked your this point and totally agree with it – blogging is all about writing 🙂
Thanks for your comment here.
Have a nice day Sir 🙂
With dreams and determination you can do anything you put your mind to. Thanks for sharing your story and being an inspiration for other new bloggers!
Hi Ruth,
I am glad you liked Hemant’s story and thank you
for your comment and motivation.
I admire your determination not to give up, Hemant. I visited your blog and you have a lot of valuable information on there.
Hi Sue,
Thank you for your comment and encouragement,
It will keep this young man moving .
All the best
Good to see this young blood of India is doing well in the blogging. Good Luck, Hemant. You sure are the inspiration source for newbies.
Nice one, Erika!
Hi Atish,
I am glad you like Hemant’s post.
He is an inspiration and hopefully, he keeps going strong.
Thank you for your comment
Hi Hemant
This is the second blog where I found you featured as guest blogger. It shows how focused you are to exploit every option to grow your blog and expand your outreach.
The points you discussed in this post have your own unique angle that shows your insight into the topic.
Many thanks Erika for featuring him here to let your blog readers meet another blogger with a vision.
Hi Mi Muba,
nice to see you here again for Hemant’s post.
It will make him enthusiastic to see the support of you.
Thank you for your comment
Hello Erika Mohssen,
Its really great to know about hemant, I think we have lot to learn from his blog. I’m going to show your blog to my newbie friends who are new to blogging to learn and get motivated.
Hi Jimmy ,
I am glad you like Hemant’s post and hope it will inspire your newbie blogger friends.
Motivation is always good and helps them to keep going .
Thank you for your visit and comment.
Desire and determination are the keys to success. I love the passion behind your story, it takes that kind of passion to push you forward every day.
Enjoy the journey!
Hi Mandy ,
I am glad you like Hemant’s passion and story.
May he get to his dream and beyond.
Thank you for your comment
That’s really inspiring one. I’ve one line meaning the same as you mentioned. That is: “Do it with passion or not at all…” So love whatever you do and do only if you love…
Thank you for such an inspiring article…
Hi Basharath ,
I am happy the post inspired you.
It is true ,If we do what we love and do it with passion ,success will follow.
To your success 🙂
Hi Erika Mam
Erika Mam you have delivered this post with the excellent story of Hemant. I feel he is the best example for all the new bloggers; His story showcased that age doesn’t matter, setting the goal is most important to the success.
Thank you for letting us know about Hemant, All the best for your career Hemant.
Hi Arumugam Rangasamy,
I am glad you like the story of Hemant.
Right, age does not matter, what matters is to have ambition for a goal and the will to go for it even if it is sometimes hard.
I too wish him to get to his dream and show other newbies that it can be done and encourage them with his story.
I see Traffic Crow offers professional courses.
Thank you for your comment and visit.
Hey Erika and Hemant,
“If you want to success in your life then work hard for your dream not for money” After reading this blog I must say age does not matter it’s only a number.
I am glad you a give a chance to Hemant to write this blog and he did it well.
Thanks & Regards
Sandeep Sitoke
Hi Sandeep,
you are right, age does not matter.
If you have a dream and follow your heart,
the work does not seem too hard. yes, Hemant
did write well and I wish that his dream becomes true.
To your success.
Thank you for your comment