Here are some things you can do to gain confidence and fulfill your desire to create a successful life.
Self-confidence and Self – Improvement is very popular in our time. Many books and seminars are helpful for people to make decisions to improve their life.
On the other hand, everywhere we hear slogans like mistakes, failure, becoming a millionaire, buy your dream car.
There is the danger that some make self-improvement an obsession. Some are following rules convulsively and hope to be superheroes or millionaires fast.
But many also are getting discouraged by these slogans and do not dare to get going because of fear of failure or quitting after a short time.
Be realistic and in the present.

To become a Hero may be nonsense. Not everybody wants to subordinate their entire life to make money like Jeff Bezos.
For you, it may be a desire to be able to make enough money that you can fulfill your wishes, help others and live a pleasant life?
To get started, all you need is something you love and are devoted to doing, a goal, clarity, focus, and taking action. To help you gain self-confidence, practice the tips below every day.
Do not just read the tips, but use them too! Because you know yourself taking action is the key
Have fun learning and implementing
Take responsibility for your life
It is the first and most important rule when it comes to building a strong sense of self.
Take responsibility for your life! Because without this elementary prerequisite, nothing works.
Only when you fully accept and understand that only you are responsible for your life, only then can you actively create a life you love living!
Why do most people not live their dream life, or do they not have a dream relationship or a dream job?
Why do most people not have the confidence they want?
The answer to that is quite simple:
These people have not yet taken responsibility for their lives. Instead, they are too busy trying to blame their circumstances on other people, their parents, or their environment. And because they do that, they do not get aware of any opportunity to become active themselves and make a difference.
Therefore always remember: You and only you are responsible for your life! Nobody else!

“If you realize life is 100% your responsibility, there is no room for being resentful towards anyone”. – Sadhguru
If you want to have a successful life, you are responsible for creating it. No one else can do that for you!
So if you want something in life, go and get it. You are the one who has to decide what’s going on in your life.
If you want to build self-confidence? Great. Then start right now!
Leave blame behind, take responsibility for your life, and start today to create exactly the life you always wanted!
Start today!
Read more about responsibility here > How To Be Successful By Taking Responsibility For Your Life.
Be truthful to yourself.
A necessity for change is that you are honest with yourself and admit flaws, weaknesses, and mistakes to yourself. Do not hide anything from yourself. Look how you feel. Know you without a filter.
Start right now!
“It is very, very important to be straight with yourself; otherwise, life won’t work right. And if you are very straight with yourself, you will see through things very easily.”—Sadhguru.
Leave your comfort zone.
Remember, no action, no results without commitment, no profit.
And in the field of personal development and self-confidence, this is especially true.
You develop a strong sense of self when you face what scares you most. You affront your fears, you leave your comfort zone, and grow through experience.
From experience, I can say: The one who takes action and leaves his comfort zone will also be able to build healthy self-confidence and free himself from inner blockages!
Taking action is the basic requirement for results. And the more you move out of your comfort zone, the higher your gain. Start today!
Ways That Help To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Accept things that you can not change.
It’s about developing the ability to accept every situation as it is. Drop expectations on other people. Pay attention to your emotions and feelings in different circumstances.
If you get angry, frustrated, disappointed, or irritated, yell at others, or get upset. These moments are indicators that you wish things were different and that you want a different reality.
Practice accepting as it is without forcing expectations on other people or situations. Accept and move on. Be flexible.

“Do not try to fix whatever comes in your life. Fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine”.- Sadhguru.
See it as a journey.
A huge mistake is that at the beginning of the journey towards more self-confidence, you think it can happen overnight.
You want to be confident and calm every day. Completely relaxed, totally clear, and able to deal with every situation. It does not work that fast!
Self-confidence is not something that you can buy or acquire in a few days. Gaining real confidence is like a path that you take every day and in small steps! It does not sound easy?
You want to wake up the next morning and be full of self-confidence; all worries and problems just are blown away, and full of courage and energy.
Unfortunately, this does not work that way because real self-confidence is built up in small continuous steps; you need to make experiences in everyday life and be conscious.
See the path to healthy self-confidence as a journey that you go on every day In small steps. At your own pace and casual.
And then you will see soon: Every day will make it easier for you to go that way. With each passing day, you will become stronger, bolder, and more relaxed. You master more and more challenges and win more inner freedom.
Finally, through experience, you will get the confidence and inner freedom that you desire.
It is the ultimate feeling for life and will make you feel great.
Give yourself time for serenity.
Take it easy. Do not stress too much on your way to healthy self-confidence. Because you know:
Stress is the biggest enemy! You must make your journey fun otherwise, you will not stay with it long.
See that you are in a good state of mind. Do things that are good for you. It is an essential requirement that you have fun, leave your comfort zone and build your self-confidence.
Also very important is that you do not compare yourself with other people!
“When there is no envy, jealousy, and comparison within you, you can focus your full capabilities on doing what is needed.” – Sadhguru.
You are unique and have a unique history. Accept who you are right now. Work from where you are to build your self-confidence. In small steps, at your own pace. Nothing is worse than continually comparing yourself to others and making yourself down. Instead, focus on yourself and your path.
“Comparison is an act of violence against the self.” – Iyanla Vanzant
Face uncomfortable situations and fear
It is imperative! The more you venture out of your comfort zone, the more you face challenging situations, and the more inner freedom you will gain and build a sense of self!
Self-confidence arises when you face your fears, overcome them, and learn that nothing wrong can happen in the end. You gain positive experiences that make you stronger every day.
For Example: Are you afraid to give your opinion? If you practice talking your truth every day a bit more, soon it will be easy for you to say what you think, in whatever situation it may be! Remember: Action is the key to success.
Therefore take the challenge, start today, and you will win.
Read also> How to deal with your feeling of doubt and insecurity
Did you Know You can Schedule Your

Learn to know your true self.
Self-awareness has the meaning of how strongly you are aware of yourself and what’s going on in you.
If you learn to become more aware of yourself inside, you can become outwardly much stronger.
Only by becoming more aware within yourself, by understanding what is going on in you, and by what mechanisms and beliefs form your actions, only then can you ever really become self-confident and secure.
You can only confidently act outward if you feel content internally! A daily practice of mindfulness exercises and meditation will help you.
Through meditation, for example, you can recognize and get aware of limiting thoughts and beliefs.
If you do that and go inside yourself, you can realize what drives your actions. Also, where your feelings come from and what thoughts run through your head all day long.
Because knowing yourself and what’s going on in your head determines very much how strong (or weak) you feel inside yourself! If you are weak inside, how can you act effectively outside?
Instead of letting the outside reality dictate your feelings, you go inside and find the place where there is nothing but peace, joy, and perfect contentment. If you can align with your inner self, you start feeling happy and feeling joy no matter what.
Another beneficial practice is chanting Mantras.
Read more about it here > Simple Mantras will help
Read more about Meditation here > A View On Yoga and Meditation for a better living
Use your Imagination and practice Visualisation.
Visualization- Many top athletes and high-performance people actively use this technique to achieve extraordinary results.
You can use imagination to visualize mental images that you can use for creating healthy self-confidence and transforming your inner self positively. Focus on what you desire!
You envision things anyways. Whether you realize it or not. Every day, every second, you use this technique, and most of the time, you are not even aware. For example, If I say “red elephant.”
What happens? You see the red elephant on the screen of your mind. Do you?
From today on, use the power of Visualisation. Close your eyes and visualize what action you want to take, how you want to be and achieve in the future. And how you want to live. Envision and focus on your Dream and always act and take steps in the direction of it.

“There’s a flow of the universe that I’ve grown to know. Just have to go with it.”—Will Smith.
“If you see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.” Bob Proctor
For example, the technique of visualization can help to become calmer, master new situations more efficiently, to approach people more uninhibited, and generally to perform in stressful situations with significantly more self-confidence.
That’s why I say: try visualization consciously. Start right away. It will change your life if you use the technique regularly!
Build a positive environment.
It is one of the most critical items on this list. And I’m always talking and writing about it. You will feel the difference if you are with like-minded people.
Here is the best self-confidence strengths tip.
See that you have positive people around you. People who support, uplift, and give you energy.
People that understand and encourage you!
Nothing is as uplifting as a positive environment!
The environment and supportive people can make it possible for you to feel well and positive on your journey.
On the other hand, that also means: You better get rid of or stay away from negative people and people who drain your energy.
Read >How To Deal With Toxic People
Start today!
Focus instead on the people in your life who uplift you and who give you energy; it makes a huge difference.
Read more here > The Power Of Meeting With Like-Minded People
Invest in learning and new skills
Read books that help you with what you want: exchange experiences and knowledge with people and friends who have the same interest.
Invest in yourself to educate yourself, take courses, and go to seminars. The more you do in your everyday life, the faster you see success and the faster your self-confidence grows!
“Decide on something that you can do and that you will do. This is how to transform your life – by taking small steps”– Sadhguru.
“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”-Arthur Robert Ashe.
Have fun, and treat yourself well!
Celebrate every little success, every small step. Reward yourself. And make you feel well!
As said above: See it as a journey that you go on every day In small steps at your own pace and casually.
Life has to be fun and fulfilling. If not, it is not successful!

Get started!
Download my free e-book > Let The Sunshine In
Change your thoughts brighten your Day, and feel good about yourself
Affirmations and insights to think about and learn to
change our thoughts and perception, which can change our life.
May it help you to have a more positive
WOW… Incredible Points Dadi…
I am glad you found good points and liked it, Rahul
Thank you
Hi Erika,
I enjoyed your points. I’m always telling my clients and students that, without confidence in yourself, you will most likely quit before you succeed because you don’t believe you can make it. Also when you lack confidence in yourself people will not be attracted to you. Conversely, when you do feel confident, it shows. As a result, others will be attracted to you, often before you say a word.
It can be elusive for many people in business. Solo professionals and small and home-based business owners often experience challenges with self-confidence, which comes from a variety of sources.
Rachel Lavern recently posted…5 Tips to Bust Task Resistance
Hi Rachel,
you are right, many quit too early. And it is true people will sense if you do not believe in what you do or are not confident about yourself. It is also true that it can be an obstacle, especially for business people.
Being confident makes all the difference.
Thank you for your comment.
Wow, what a powerful post! I really like the “Life is rooted in reality…” quote for its simplicity and power. Thanks for sharing a valuable viewpoint on this topic!
Hi Barb,
I like this quote as well and it is simple but powerful.
I am glad you like the post.
Thank you for your comment.
Hi Erika
You and only you are responsible for your life! Nobody else!
Enjoyed the video and the quotes.
Stepping out of your comfort zone builds confidence.
Celebrate every little success, every small step.
Have fun!
Kathryn recently posted…Marketing Strategies & Techniques to Attract More Customers
Hi Kathryn,
it is right, also we should not forget to celebrate little success, so we can enjoy the journey.
I am glad you liked the quotes and video.
Yes, let’s have
Thank you
Hi Erika,
Wonderful post … life really is my responsibility … and intuition is the communication from the powers that be that walk with the choices I make in life. I love life.
Lesly Federici recently posted…Follow Your Intuition Go With What You Like
Hi Lesly,
yes, only we are responsible and good if we are able to hear the guidance of this power and make the right choices.
Life is good
Thank you, Lesly
Thank you for sharing this great article, this helped me a lot.
I am glad this article helped you. Keep it in mind
Thank you
It followed by this way I think its pretty blog post that helps to remove misstatement in the blog post, thank you, sir, for fantastic suggestions.
I am glad you liked the post and hope you did understand what it means and keep learning
Thank you
I am very glad to here because this article is very much meaningful thank you, sir, for giving the opportunity to learn..
jhon eric recently posted…Urvashi Song with Lyrics, Shahid Kapoor, Kiara Advani, Yo Yo Honey Singh, Bhushan Kumar, DirectorGifty
I am glad you liked the article and it helps you.
Thanks for your comment
Very good post. It is definitely important to take charge of your life on time
Mannu Jain recently posted…Tenant has given notice to vacate: Landlord should take these steps
Hi Mannu,
yes, we are always responsible for our lives and if we are aware of this and do what we feel is right it gives confidence. It is a learning and experiencing process.
Thank you for your comment
This has been a really wonderful article.
I am glad you like the article and I hope it helped.
Thanks for the comment
Hi Erika,
Greetings from Hyderabad, India.
It is indeed a great joy to be here again after a bit gap.
I hope you and yours are doing fine. Indeed this is a great and encouraging post in these crisis times of COVID- 19..
Thanks for sharing such valuable quotes.
Keep up the good work.
Keep sharing.
Best Regards
~ Phil
Philip Verghese Ariel recently posted…Amazing Bloggers Who Feature Me In Their Posts
Hi Philip,
nice to see you here again, Greeting back to you and Hyderabad. We are doing fine and I hope you and yours as well.
I am glad you liked the post and the quotes.
You too keep up good work
Thank you for your comment
Erika Mohssen-Beyk recently posted…Never Lie and Always Tell the Truth