What is creative visualization?
Inside the mind lies a powerful resource that provides us with the tools we need to develop new skills through creative visualization. We must discover our way in life, so go into your mind and down the subliminal lane where you will find answers to all your questions. These answers are there to help you solve your problems while developing your skills in reaching goals.
Our perceptions either help us to gain or lose control. It is hiding in our subconscious mind and reflects in our lives. Visualizations or mental images are an illustration of this hidden mind.
The subconscious will help us to learn new ways of living. For example, when you begin to visualize with your visual eye, it begins to systematize the colors and pictures in your mind.
With every new learning phase, the mind stores supplementary information we can use later.
Through practice, we have the power to train the subconscious mind, reinforcing it to adapt to new changes. We have the ability to train the subconscious mind, and it will help us to create the life we desire. One tool to do this is creative visualization.
How to do creative visualization
First, think of what you would like to create, better health, more prosperity, a vacation, a job, more friends, and happiness. It would be easier to start with something which you think is not too difficult to reach and what you feel would be possible to reach in a short time. If you have success with this, you will be more confident to reach bigger goals. For example, you may look at a picture of a vacation destiny to visualize it easily.
With practice, later, you can set more challenging goals.
See the clear picture or idea in your mind.
Visualize the situation, the object, or whatever it is you desire. Feel and think of it, how you want it to be and as if you already have it. Create it in your mind and think of it with as many details as possible. Make yourself feel like it is real.
Think of it and focus on it.
During the day, think of your mental picture as often as you can. Take time to sit and meditate on it. Do it in a relaxed and playful way, do not force it.
Think positive about your goal and give it good energy, enjoy the time you are visualizing and also use positive affirmations. Believe that you can reach your goal. Don’t think about the way how it comes to you.
Do not talk to anybody about your dream that does not support you.
Hold your vision, and you will get what you desire.
If you need more information and help with your creative visualization
Read also The Art Of Visualization And Meditation
Here is an excellent opportunity to explore and learn how to use your mind to create what you desire.
Every one of us is born with immense potential that’s just waiting to be tapped on.
With the right guidance and action, we can all unlock an extraordinary life beyond our wildest dreams.
But the question is – will you say YES to this ‘call to transformation’?
Here is your chance to step into a life of accelerated growth and greatness
Wow, it was thirty years ago that I read Shakti Gawain’s book, Creative Visualization. Back then, it was a new idea for most people. I just did a search for Shakti to see what she has been up to over the years and found a YouTube interview. I was startled to see an older woman with grey hair, and I am laughing out loud. We have both aged thirty years, and it seems we are both better for the maturity. Thanks for this post that reminded me of her good work.
Mary Austin recently posted…Get More Blog Benefit Using CommentLuv For Network Marketing Success
Hi Mary ,yes you are right I have the book still in German ,its a while ago 🙂
I am happy it reminded you 🙂
Thank you for the comment
Creative visualization is a very powerful way of manifesting the life of your desire. As the saying goes: “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Great post!
Nate recently posted…7 Reasons Why Youâre Dumb and Broke
Thank you for the comment ,Nate
I think we should teach our kids to daydream again 🙂
Hi Erika,
I really like your new site. You have some great advice here for people to really look inside themselves to be creative and just let it flow.
Have a great day. Monna
Monna Ellithorpe recently posted…Creative Writing and Confidence Equals a Published Book
Yes ,Monna we have to learn visualization again like we did as kids ,it would help us
to accomplish more and be more creative.
Thank you ,Monna
I had not considered my childhood and teenage daydreaming to be creative visualizations but of course they were. They did influence the actions I took and impacted on my future life.
Somewhere along the way I lost the habit but I can see how useful it is and will try again. Thanks Erika.
Sue Bride recently posted…25 Advantages of Subdomains
Yes Sue ,do more of it ,it is a good make it a habit . Its not like they told us ,it is not bad ,it is
something we need to do more 🙂
Hello Erika! Creative visualization and affirmation’s are defiantly a great way to help you manifest your desires, I love this post you have really done a great job explaining it all for us. I love how Nate stated that “A picture is worth a thousand words” This is so true HUH?
Thanks for sharing Chery :))
Chery Schmidt recently posted…For Online Success Be Sure To Ask For The Business
Thank you Chery,
yes Nate is right ,lets build our dream and visualise .:)
Hi Erika,
You have a new site also. I like it! I like this post. I used to facilitate a workshop called Standing on the Power of Big thoughts. It was about understanding how the combination of creative visualization, positive statements, motivation can be a powerful
triple-combo for manufacturing luck and mastering confidence and creativity.
Rachel Lavern recently posted…It’s Time to Piss Some People Off
Great Rachel ,
it seems this is something you like doing .
I like positive statements and I like to
talk to people in a positive way ,it feels good .
Thank you for your comment
Loved reading this post Erika and when you think back years ago when you were still at school we all had dreams and could visualise them happening but you lose that as you get older so thanks for the reminder.
Merle recently posted…Network Like A Pro – Tip #7 of 8 – Do What You Say
Thank you ,Merle
yes as kids it was easy ,lets start it again 🙂
Hi Erika,
Visualization is so powerful… the subconscious mind communicates through image, not words, so when you picture what you want you create it … important article to read …
Lesly Federici recently posted…Sleuth Tip 1
Thank you Lesly
Lets picture successful Power Blogging Tribe members 🙂
Thank you Erika.
The mind is awesome! We should learn to visualize effectively, as you say – it seems as we get older, there is more ‘stuff’ gets in the way and the clarity of our dreams and beliefs becomes blurred naturally. Having a clear desired outcome is a good start – and I like the use of images to stir the unconscious mind 🙂
Jacs Henderson recently posted…Are You A Train Spotter? Consider #1 The Affiliate Marketing 6 Key Step Success Cycle
Hi Jacs ,
because of this we need to meditate and take the time for ourself
to be able to get clear pictures .
Thank you for your comment 🙂