Easy Steps to Make Self-Acceptance And Self-Love a Habit

Overcoming self-hatred – How do you get into self-acceptance and self-love?
We can make self-acceptance and self-love a habit.  In my post Why do people hate themselves?  I did write about the reasons for self-hatred. Many people have trouble accepting themselves. 
Self-hatred is the most extreme form of self-denial. You put yourself down inside, every day, every moment.
But […]

By |April 13th, 2021|24 Comments

3 Proven Ways To Boost Your Productivity

How to boost your Productivity?
Romil Rambhad will help you to learn how to boost your productivity in this guest post.

These days it is not easy to focus on the work we need to do. There is much disturbing news, not only for people who watch TV but it is also the social media that keep […]

By |April 8th, 2021|20 Comments

Why Do People Hate Themselves And How To Change It?

Why do people hate themselves?
What is self-hatred, and what is self-love?

There was a discussion about self-love; my  Blogger friend  Donna Merill had posted an image and wrote: “I cannot stress how important it is to love yourself. If you want to help others … you have to love yourself first.”
She had put this image, and […]

By |March 18th, 2021|41 Comments

There Is Hope For A Brave New World

Can we create a Brave New World?
Yes, I believe there is hope for a brave new world. I believe we can create it. Despite all the chaos and happenings out there. There is always hope. Many are scared, anxious, and depressed, especially the people who watch TV and rely on mainstream media. But most people […]

By |February 8th, 2021|24 Comments

2 Steps to Free The World

Are you ready to take the steps?
What are these two steps to free the world?  Number one is maybe the most important for every human being: meditating, doing yoga, developing spiritually, and BE. Everybody can do it; it is not even difficult and can be pleasant. Who does not want to be more conscious and […]

By |January 21st, 2021|26 Comments